Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Where Is the Justice?

July 10th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

St. Thomas the Apostle’s attendance figures for the past two weekends:

June 27th weekend

June 27th weekend

Independence Day Weekend

Where is the justice? How can the diocese push to displace a community of 500 Catholics? The DoR should rethink its strategy in Irondequoit if they truly care about the good of souls.

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4 Responses to “Where Is the Justice?”

  1. Don’t let the collection totals fool you.

    The collection totals dropped after the announcement that St. Thomas was recommended for closure. And I don’t blame them one bit.

  2. Monk says:

    It is amazing the they still have over 500+ attendance after the way they have been treated over the last year and have been slated for closure! This parish would be bursting at the seams if it had an ounce of true pastoral care. Let’s see here…..plenty of money in the bank….largest church in the diocese…..serves northern Irondequoit, the only area of the town that has potential for residential growth…fully leased school building…..enough priests to serve its parishioners…..beautiful adoration chapel….Msgr. Burns resting place……wonderful neighborhood location, traditional worship services…..yes, an injustice indeed!

  3. jetscubs86 says:

    Sad, very sad. Wasn’t there a church in another diocese in the U.S. where the parishoners locked themselves in? The first thing that came to mind was the St. Thomas parishoners. They are one tough group. While other people just “take it” when their church closes, the people of St. Thomas put up a big fight… GOOD for you. My prayers are with you all.

  4. Richard says:

    It’s tto bad that one’s desire to destroy a parish because it’s traditional, outweighs the nurturing of it;s members. Our leader is biting off his nose to spite his face. Not only is he losing more and more catholics by an action he didn’t have to take, but the financial loss of many of those contributions will only hurt the overall financial health of the diocese.

    If xomeone is doing evil, it has a tendency to encompass a whole lot more than it was supposed to have intended.

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