Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

To Save a Slice

July 8th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

I was browsing Facebook this morning, and I saw the following:

The liberals can admire the venerable nature of a dead tree that was 150 years old, but they can’t realize the venerable nature of Holy Mother Church. Liz says that it’s “comforting to save a part of that great tree.” Why is it that a fallen tree in Genesee Valley park and a fallen tree of the Sisters of St. Joseph attract more sympathy from the liberals than the death of the Traditional Latin Mass? That tree was vastly older than these two, and vastly more beautiful, and also is being resurrected via Pope Benedict.

Note also the absolutely massive metaphor in Ray’s words: “A landmark tree collapsed after standing for more than 150 years; experts say the roots gave way.” If I really need to draw it out for you, there’s something wrong here.

By the way, I have a suspicion that the reason the SSJ’s saved a slice of their 100-year-old tree was so that they can still hold their pagan sacrifices in its presence. Now you know what really happens to the orthodox seminarians who get rejected.

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6 Responses to “To Save a Slice”

  1. Bernie says:

    It has been a mystery to me how these folks will collect antiques, clean them up and use them in their homes but will disgard the most ancient and beautiful from the Liturgy with a dismissive comment. They go to great lengths to restore their old homes to an original style. They will burn incense at home like there is no tomorrow but incense is out-of-date when it comes to the liturgy. They revel in Buddhist chanting but Gregorian chant is not appropriate for worship today. Very odd group.

  2. Gen says:

    A friend of mine always says that liberalism is a mental disorder. I really wouldn’t doubt it.

  3. Anonymous says:

    The real “Fallen Tree” is Catholic Identity inthe DOR. Except for a few faithful souls, the once great tree has fallen. Please Lord, send good shepherds to plant a new stronger tree and keep the fire burning in the faithful laity.

  4. LarryD says:

    Q: If a tree falls in the wood, and only liberals are around to hear it, did it make a sound?

    A: Yes – hopefully it sounded like liberals getting squashed by a falling tree.

  5. praedicator says:

    Incredibly old, no roots, splitting, and falling down?

    …Sure that’s not the SSJ? Just a matter of time.

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