Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Ecclesial 11th Commandment – Take two

July 27th, 2010, Promulgated by Mike

Last summer I wrote about what I called The Ecclesial 11th Commandment: “Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow bishop.” Back then I was complementing Bishop Thomas Tobin of the Diocese of Providence for saying what needed to be said regarding Archbishop Rembert Weakland on the occasion of the publication of his self-serving memoir.

Phil Lawler at has just published a piece on the same theme.  He concludes with,

Is it acceptable for a bishop, who claims to be in communion with the Holy See, explicitly to contradict an established teaching of the Church? Is it acceptable for a bishop, consecrated to serve the cause of evangelization, to refuse to say whether or not he is a Catholic priest? No; these are unacceptable public statements, which bring scandal and discredit upon the hierarchy. It’s time for good and faithful Catholic bishops to defend their own authority, by denouncing colleagues who abuse it.

Read Phil’s complete post here.



One Response to “The Ecclesial 11th Commandment – Take two”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I guess we can safely say there are a lot of people in the DOR, lay people, priests, bishops, deacons, nuns and bishop who portray thrmselves as Catholics but are leading people away from the church because they are heretics.

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