Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

The Church Progressives Want

July 12th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Laywomen running parishes as de facto priestesses and living in rectories that used to be occupied by real priests. Don’t forget making our priests designated consecrators; nomads who travel from parish to parish to offer the Mass while never getting to know the people he’s assigned to serve.

Sure is great to live in the Diocese of Rochester, isn’t it?

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4 Responses to “The Church Progressives Want”

  1. Nerina says:

    A shower? You have *got* to be kidding me.

  2. John F. Kennedy says:

    How about instead of a shower, they got a dunking.

  3. Ludwig says:

    Don’t forget making our priests designated consecrators; nomads who travel from parish to parish to offer the Mass while never getting to know the people he’s assigned to serve.

    Exactly my point in this post over in the forum: The Personal Priest – Another Casualty of Clustering.

    My wife and I really got bit by that HARD this week. :-\

  4. Monk says:

    Poor Fr. Beligotti. He has to leave the quiet traditional worship of St. Thomas the Apostle, to put up with the likes of these two!
    Are they going to have a “shower” for Fr. Belligotti too? He is the one they will call in the middle of the night when they have a crisis.

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