Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

St. Thomas Isn’t Alone

July 23rd, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

Unfortunately, several parishes find themselves in the same situation. I would like to direct your attention to this website:

The people of the southern-tier are suffering just like those in the city itself, and it is our duty to bring their efforts to some measure of notoriety. I quote from their website:

We are parishioners of All Saints Parish in Corning, New York. We love our community and our churches — St. Mary’s, St. Vincent’s, and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

It’s a difficult time now as our parish staff is implementing changes that are proving detrimental to our community of believers. We love the staff and pray for them daily, as well as everyone in the parish.

Our Purpose
• To provide an independent forum to voice concerns about our parish to our community.
• To provide open communication
• To inform and educate parishioners about the issues in our parish.
• To change the direction of our parish, which is currently moving in a direction opposite to the sense of the parish faithful.

Rules of Engagement
We are resolved to walk in Christ’s footsteps. That means speaking the truth with compassion.
Posts and comments that deviate from our purpose to inform and educate in a Christian manner will be deleted. Privileges to post and comment may be withdrawn if:
• They detract from the purpose of this website, which is to inform and educate through truth with compassion.
• They are slanderous, malicious or threatening.
• Comments do not clearly separate opinion from verifiable facts.

Debate is encouraged. We desire a thorough airing of the issues in order to get to the heart of the matter. The goal should always be to elevate the truth.

So, please lend these people your prayers and your assistance in whatever way you can offer it.

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2 Responses to “St. Thomas Isn’t Alone”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Can someone help me here. What’s going on in that parish. Is the issue simply the laying off of a very successful individual or are there deper problems? Thanks.

  2. Gen says:

    You can get all the details about the closing/clustering/staff situation on their website – it is definitely worth a read.

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