Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Pastoral “Leader”

July 15th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

A while back, we discussed Nancy DeRycke’s self-given title of “pastoral leader.” We also discussed how a lay person cannot legitimately be a “pastoral leader,” i.e. “pastor” in common parlance, because only an ordained man may be the “pastoral leader.” Well, yet another woman has crowned herself as liturgical queen and empress, and three guesses as to who it is.

Sr. Joan Sobala is now, in the words of the Diocese of Rochester, the “Pastoral Leader of the Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Anne Cluster.”

I guess Canon Law has no place in the liberal “Church” that they’ve created for themselves, and which they continue to foist on the unsuspecting parishioners in the pews.

Oh, wait, they’ve left? There’s almost no one in the pews? Sorry – disregard what I was saying. It’s clear the message already got out.

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One Response to “Pastoral “Leader””

  1. Anonymous says:

    A slight correction. Only a priest… An ordained man would include a deacon who cannot be a pastor.

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