My sojourn to Buffalo, after my week-long fiesta in Pittsburgh, is proving to be very spiritually and artistically beneficial. There’s nothing I can really write at the moment which can add to the following. I think that you will find it rather enjoyable. You can expect more regular posts from me come next week (probably around Wednesday) when I finally return from my Catholic Awsomeness Camgain. While I miss our Our Lady of Victory and our Latin Mass Community, etc., I am finding that my soul is reveling in this extrication from the diocesan turmoils we find in Rochester.
“This sanctuary is truly a masterpiece,
in the nobility of its lines,
in the splendor of its marbles,
in its massive solidarity,
and in its artistic finish…”Quoted from the Apostolic Decree by Pope Pius XI
which elevated the Shrine of Our Lady of Victory
to a Minor Basilica on July 20, 1926.
Perhaps we have finally found a mission statement for our own OLV?
(Also, I will be announcing the winners of our Vocatus Es poster contest within the next 24 hours. Check back often.)
Tags: Liturgical art, Orthodoxy at Work
cool quote.
Do they have a theme song? I need to learn an “Our Lady of Victory” song.
I’ll write one for you, Ben. 😉
I brought my family to this basilica just today! It was s spur of the moment trip to buffalo, we had never visited the OLV Basilica and we came away awed and inspired from the basilica and the museum. My children want us to now drive to Buffalo every sunday to attend mass there. 🙂 My 10 year old daughter told us on the drive home when she grows up she wants to get married there. We spent a good 2 hours there, from about 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm today. My 12 year old son used his own money and bought a St Michael the archangel statue for his room. For anyone has not visited, I urge you to go and bring children or grandchildren. Kneeling in prayer there, we were all filled with the presence of God.