Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Holy Cross Festival opens tonight

July 29th, 2010, Promulgated by Mike

The Holy Cross Festival in Charlotte will be up and running at 6:00 pm tonight.

There are rides for all ages, the food is great and there are even a few games of chance for those so inclined.

Some photos from last year’s Festival (click on the first one to view without distortion) …

UPDATE: Here’s a video of the 2010 Holy Cross Festival …




6 Responses to “Holy Cross Festival opens tonight”

  1. Gen says:

    Mike – I think, perhaps, you’ve mislabeled these photos. They obviously fit into the “Mass at Sacred Heart” theme, but if you say it’s an actual festival, not a liturgical one, I’ll go with it.

  2. Mike says:


    I’d be the first to admit that Holy Cross has its occasional liturgical lapse, but they would have a long way to go – all of it downhill – to catch up with Sacred Heart.

    BTW, I’m having one of those chickens for dinner tonight.

  3. Ink says:

    Gen–it IS an actual festival, much like the Mother of Sorrows Festival (affectionately deemed MOSfest). And I can vouch for Holy Cross, since we hit the 7pm Saturday Mass with relative frequency due to a chaotic family schedule.

  4. jetscubs86 says:

    Actually, Holy Cross is one of the better churches to attend in the “liberal” diocese of Rochester. They have three very good priests who celebrate Mass there. Although Fr. Eisemann is my favorite, Fr. Wheeland, and Fr. Reif are very good as well.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Father Eisemann…there’s a name I haven’t heard in ages. I use to serve Mass for him as a kid. How is he doing?

  6. Mike says:

    Anon. 9:42,

    I wrote about all three priests a few weeks back – see here.

    Fr. Fred Eisemann is, I believe, 82 and is still both physically and mentally fit. When the readings at Mass call for it, he is not afraid to mention sin in his homilies. He is also my favorite for Confession: Lots of good, simple, orthodox advice enlightened by a strong devotion to the Blessed Mother.

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