Chava Redonnet, pretend priestess of the Spiritus Christi religion, weighs in on the church closings plaguing the Diocese of Rochester in today’s Democrat & Chronicle. Through her letter, she has taken advantage of the suffering and sadness of these people in order to peddle the Spiritus Christi vision for the Catholic Church (of which they are no longer a part). Let me tell you, Ms. Redonnet, the good people of St. Thomas the Apostle are true and loyal Catholics. They will not jump ship to support your false religion, no matter how upset they may be with the diocese. So please, take your non-denominational tactic of pouncing at the suffering of others elsewhere. You are not gaining any supporters here.
From the Democrat & Chronicle:
“Church in period of major change
I read with sadness of the recent closing of Our Lady of Mercy Church, and the efforts of parishioners to keep St Thomas the Apostle. It seems to me that much of the pain of these and other parish closings comes from the lack of real participation or decision-making power on the part of the laity. The model of church that has a few people at the top making the crucial decisions is a remnant of a time when the clergy were almost the only educated people around. The lay people of today are educated and competent, and capable of making difficult decisions.
Can we envision a church in which we’re all equals, where we recognize that the people are the church? [emphasis mine] The Catholic Church is in a time of major change, even crisis. It’s a good moment to ask: What is church? Where are we going? And how do we get there, together?
Tags: Church Closings, Progressive Drivel, Protestant, Spiritus Christi
I do agree, in part, that the laity need more decision making power, and that part is administratively. They need more power in determining whether they want to make the extra effort to keep their parish or school open. I think our bishop would find that people are willing to give much more when they believe in and are passionate about where their time, talent and treasure is going.
I think our diocese is very backwards in that it is so open to the whims of “the people” liturgically and doctrinally, but so authoritative administratively. It should be just the opposite.
While this may be true in the STA case, it is totally irrelevant to the OLM closure. OLM simply lacked the people and the money to continue and everyone knew it.
No, the model of Church that has a few people at the top making the crucial decisions is a remnant of the time when Jesus told Peter,
Chava has it all wrong! Is she kidding? “much of the pain of these and other parish closings comes from the lack of real participation or decision-making power on the part of the laity.” A group of so-called intelligent laity including corporate executives named the IPPG committee has made a mess of the parishes in Irondequoit In fact, The IPPG is a good example of why we don’t have a church that is run by lay committee. It is an example of the misplaced authority in the DoR. Could you imagine if the IPPG managed the entire church? They couldn’t even get Irondequoit correct! In the case of Irondequoit, the clergy wouldn’t step-up and assert their proper authority to stop such madness. The priests of the DoR have been stripped of their God-given authority by a lay run diocese. That is the problem. Nice try Chava!
We kmow the hierarchy in Ra Cha Cha is corrupt. But the purpose of the laity, as stated by Bishop Sheen and Pope Paul Vi was to constantly remind our clergy to man and woman up and act like clerics and nuns should act. I don’t want to do the job of the cleric. That was not my calling. And O boy, some of these clerics need a good kick in the pants.
I’m actively in discussions with some of the parishioners of her church and it drives me bonkers that they think of themselves as “Catholic” still “just not Roman Catholic”. You notice that attitude in the way she talks about “the Church” which she claims to be a member of. Now mind you, some of her parishioners don’t even know what the word Catholic means and really are clueless. It is those people we need to educate and pray for the rest.
In the July 11,2010 bulletin, Fr. Adam, pastor, in a short article entitled “Catholic Church and Changes! Invite Your Friends to St. Stanislaus! invites those who are displaced from their parishes to come to his church.
A good choice, especially for the Latin Mass!
Funny, the D&C telemarketer called me yesterday. I was polite in telling him within the first 30 seconds that “Yes, that’s right, I do not subscribe to the D&C, its too liberal.” The telemarketer, equally polite said- ok- I understand. Have a good day.
Each day that paper puts forth any argument to support the destruction of its own community. Miss Chava’s comments fit that bill completely. What an imbecile!