Nancy DeRycke, long-time advocate of Women’s Ordination and the former self-consecrated “Pastoral Leader” of Church of the Good Shepherd, appears to have a new gig come this Fall. According to the latest Along the Way Rush-Henrietta cluster bulletin insert, Ms. DeRycke will be doing “parish ministry” (aka assuming some priestly duties) at St. Pius X church in the town of Chili. SPX is currently the home of the albed lay homilist and administrator, Bill Rabjohn. The two appear to be a match made in heaven.
Please pray for the people of St. Pius X. They had finally rid themselves of Fr. Holland’s dissent, and now they are about to be blessed with a duo of preaching laypersons. Is it 2012 yet?
Tags: Bishop Clark, Nancy, News and Media, Progressive Drivel
HE opens a window. Who is this HE?
Is Mr. Rabjohn still a deacon candidate. Did he choose to leave or was he removed?
As someone that is a parishioner of a LAY led parish, I feel your pain and pray for you all.
It is so frustrating to think that parishes, just a few hours away can be holy, devout, and orthodox, while others of us have to suffer.
God doesn’t make mistakes, so we offer it up.
This news made my stomach lurch. I’m wondering more and more each day what Bishop Clark has in store for all of us before he leaves. Why not go totally nuts and start ordaining women? Why not marry people with same sex attraction? I know those would be crazy things, but he has already desecrated our churches and allowed disgusting alterations to the Liturgy. Not to mention the heretical teachings that have been preached in many churches.
Can I just say how much I hate to hear our churches now referred to as “communities”?
just to be clear Bill Rabjohn has been and, although I’ve been away, I would almost assuredly guess remains orthodox in doctrine. I’m aware of the paradoxical nature of that statement since he is a lay leader of a parish. He may not be perfectly orthodox in worship, but he’s not that bad either. I guess that’s what you get when you appoint leaders who have no formal Catholic education. Although, with the nunsense at St. Barnyard’s, he’s better off w/out it. That’s not to say he isn’t educated, though. He has an MA in Theology from Roberts Wesleyan and he has educated himself quite a bit on Catholic doctrine. He is very much into Aquinas, Peter Kreeft, and other great authors.
I’m not endorsing everything he’s done, but he does not belong in the same category as most of the DOR henchman. As far as giving one’s life to God, I’ve not seen many other people exemplify the Christian life as much as he does.
As far as the DeRycke appointment – I find this very troubling. I believe the entire time Fr. Holland was at SPX was to prepare the parish for the coming destruction. So many of his homily’s were about preparing for imminent changes in the Church. I would speculate that something like this has been the plan all along.
When I questioned Bill on becoming the parish administrator, he gave the standard, “we just don’t have enough priests” message. My response then, as it is now is that SPX is one of the largest parishes around. If Bishop Clark did care about having priests, there’s no reason that SPX doesn’t have one as its pastor. I don’t know the “sacramental minister” Fr. Tim. The reason we were told he wasn’t leading the parish is because he didn’t have enough experience yet. So, why not put him in charge of a smaller parish and let one of the more experienced priests lead SPX?
Fr. Brown was ordained in 1987. 23 years isn’t enough time to gain experience? Umm, no.
Wasn’t he pastor of St. Charles Borromeo before Fr. Firpo was assigned there?
oh wow – I didn’t know he’d been around that long. I did hear a couple homilies he gave and they were pretty good. He also seemed pretty reverent when he celebrated.
While I too have been impressed by accounts of Mr. Rabjohn, there is no excuse for his preaching during the homily. One would think that its relative novelty (even in heteropraxic Rochester) would have prompted at least a Google search on his part about its liceity. By now he’s probably read this post. Let’s hope it prompts him to alter his course on this point.