Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Another One (PCUSA) Bites the Dust

July 10th, 2010, Promulgated by b a

Delegates to the Presbyterian Church (USA) General Assembly in Minneapolis voted July 8 to allow the ordination of noncelibate homosexuals but shelved a proposal to redefine marriage in a way that would include same-sex couples.

By a vote of 373 (53.59 percent) to 323 (46.41 percent), delegates approved the measure on homosexual clergy

Dislcaimer #1: Cleansing Fire loves all people including those with SSA (same-sex attraction).  We condemn no one as we have no authority to do so.  We acknowledge that human beings often have natural desires through no fault of their own.  However, we stand with the Church in our belief that not all natural desires are good desires that should be indulged in.  People with SSA should be treated with the respect and dignity that they deserve.   Those who attempt to live chastely should be commended.  We, in no way, wish to take away the free choice of those who choose to live out the homosexual lifestyle.  However, we do judge such behavior to be out of line with Christian morality as clearly defined by both of our sources of God’s One Word; Scripture and Tradition.  We also believe that through human reason alone (w/out the aid of God’s revelation) it can be shown that societies should not validate such lifestyles.

Disclaimer #2:  There is no such thing as “The Presbyterian Church”.  There are many presbyterian churches and some of them still hold strongly to true Christian morals.

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5 Responses to “Another One (PCUSA) Bites the Dust”

  1. John F. Kennedy says:

    It’s also contrary to Natural Law. I’ve found the following interesting.

  2. Richard says:

    If you want to read about pur Presbyterian bishop read his collum this week in the courier about his gay and lesbian ministry. Nothing about puriyt and all about making homosexuality part of the deal in the DOR

  3. Richard says:

    I meant Our Presbyerian bishop is the current leader of the DOR

  4. benanderson says:

    @JFK – thanks for the link. I was equating natural law w/ what can be determined by human reason. Would you say I’m right in assuming those are synonymous?

    @Richard – No clarification needed – I got what you meant.

  5. Richard says:

    Her whole argument concerning homosexuality is based on the American Psychiatric Association changing its position in 1973. What she doesn’t tell, or perhaps does not know or refuses to tell is that the organization changed its policy due to the bidding of homosexual advocates. Important people who were against changing the policy were not invited to the confrence and did not participate in the policy change.

    As with every contraversal and immoral change, you have to read between the lines. Yet the diocese will suppress this other type of opinion. They would rather help send souls to hell and contribute to the emotional and suffering of active homosexuals in order to try and attempt to change the Church that, thanks to the power of Jesus, will NEVER change.

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