Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Who am I and why should CF readers care?

June 9th, 2010, Promulgated by Nerina

Greetings CF readers. I’d like to introduce myself to all of you. My name is Nerina and, as noted on the CF Facebook page, I am a Catholic wife and mother currently living in Ontario County. My husband and I are blessed to be celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary this year and our kids range in age from fifteen years old to three years old. We attend church at our local parish and we’ve opted to remain there despite some “liturgical innovations” and “interesting preaching.”

We moved to our current location in September 2000 after living in Raleigh, North Carolina for 7 years. I have learned a great deal about our diocese in the last 10 years and most of it is not good. My personal conversion to the glorious Catholic faith is a long story and one I hope to share in bits and pieces with all of you and we get to know each other. In short, I can say that I am so thankful to a patient and merciful God who has showered me with grace throughout my life even when I didn’t recognize it as such.

I will be posting on marriage and family issues, pro-life matters, some politics (if readers find it interesting) and the occasional rant. Some of my favorite blogs are: What Does the Prayer Really Say, The New Liturgical Movement, The Anchoress on First Things (I just love an articulate, faithful and conservative woman), and National Review Online. I am definitely a conservative, but that doesn’t mean reactionary or looking to return to the dark ages. What it does mean is that I favor a common sense point of view of most things and turn first to Holy Mother Church for guidance especially on issues of faith and morals. I believe strongly that the ark of our salvation is the Church and without her, we are a drowning people.

I look forward to fruitful, passionate and respectful discussions. Since I am using my actual first name, I will be posting my thoughts carefully. I strongly urge people to adopt posting names – it makes it easier to respond. I understand that some people would like to keep their identity private and I’m okay with that. But who is going to know who you are if you post under “Mickey Mouse” or “Disgruntled in DOR”? Please pray for me as I enter the world of blogging.   In His Peace, Nerina.



4 Responses to “Who am I and why should CF readers care?”

  1. HungryHippo says:

    Nerina, glad to see you on the forum. 19 years is a big accomplishment in today’s world. Check out the discussion forum, I’ve put a few blogs in there for you to check out that apparently other Catholics like. I’m thinking about posting some of my own fav blogs in there as my vocation is in evangelizing and apologetics.

    Hopefully the feminine touch on the site will be able calm down the boys a bit here.

    I have to commend you for using your real name and giving up your identity which is not something easy to do. I think this is a good topic to discuss in the discussion forum and I will start it.

  2. Dr. K says:

    Hopefully the feminine touch on the site will be able calm down the boys a bit here.

    I resent that! 🙂

  3. Anonymous says:

    HI NERINA, It’s about time a woman came on board to show how it is done.

    Sister Emily. ( I will try to register tomorrow when I feel a little smarter.)

  4. Nerina says:

    Hi Sister E.! I don’t know if I’ll show them anything new (Bernie’s post below is OUTSTANDING !), but I am humbled by the company I keep here on the blog.

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