Archbishop Timothy Dolan, head of the Archdiocese of New York, will be the homilist at today’s 10:30 AM Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral. It’s sure to be a packed house!
Listen live to the Mass on Rochester’s Station of the Cross, 1460 AM!
Tags: News and Media
Dr. K,
Will you be there, and if so, will you be posting about it later?
Hope to see you guys there! I’m leaving now to go early…
Initial report, great homily! I have it recorded but it’s difficult to hear but it could be transcribed with some effort…i’ll upload it soon for you guys to hear.
I hope we can get a copy of the audio. Station of the Cross might make it available in an audio archive.
It was truly an excellent homily! If one has heard Bishop Clark preach with any regularity, you’d be able to notice the difference between the two men immediately. Clark’s homilies are often very soft and lacking substance, while Dolan’s was though-provoking, detailed with historical tidbits, and inspiring. It was not dumbed down at all. It’s refreshing to see a bishop not speak to us like little children.
he took a great tactic. instead of going right at issues directly (which would make the libs turn a deaf ear), he told stories. Stories about heroes in the faith. The libs can’t disagree with that. As much as they want to be martyrs claiming that the trads sling all kinds of slander their way and that the hierarchical Church suppresses their grand ideas (which isn’t true anyways), they are not martyrs. St. John Fisher was a REAL martyr. He believed in something. 21st century Catholics should believe in something as well.
ok – that was my first non-weekday 8AM mass at SHC. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at times.
Notice that the Bishop let the liturgal dancers and the banner twirlers have the day off today?
I’ll make the audio available if I get some time tonight, I have to move it I think off my iphone.
I asked the Station of the Cross to make it available, we’ll see if they can.
One thing I was confused by was during the angus dei, in which there are typically the three verses (lamb of God, lamb of God, lamb of God), the cantor added about 6-8 other verses such as “Tree of Life” which sort of threw me off a little thinking it was something out of the lion king movie. I was especially confused (being a poor biblical scholar) but then did a little research on references to the “Tree of life” in the Bible and found the following.
The New Jerome Biblical Commentary “a tree of life: A common image in ancient mythology and a recurring metaphor in Prov (cf.11:30, 13:12, 15:4). It recalls the tree of Gen 2:9, which symbolised the human yearning for immortality; here it represents sustenance and healing for a happy life” (pg 456).
So now I’m even more confused as to how “Tree of life” fits in with “Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world”…..
I wish I could remember the other things said after the initial 3.
Yea, the Agnus Dei was a real head-scratcher. I know that it is permissible to repeat the Agnus as many times as needed throughout the breaking of the bread, but I do not believe that one is allowed to make up their own words to the hymn.
I’m also not sure about having the piano play during the consecration.
There also was no nun “dialoguing” with Arch. Dolan during the homily.
It is not permitted to change the words of the ordinaries of the Mass. No “God and God’s Church” in the Credo, no “Glory to God in the highest, and peace to God’s people on Earth,” no “Tree of Life, you take away the sins of the world.” It turns the ordinaries (Kyrie, Gloria, Credo, Sanctus, Agnus) into something NOT ordinary. These are the unchanging parts of the Mass, the parts usually sung by the congregation, or at least recited together. When we have extra phrases or inclusive language, the unifying aspect of that is taken away.