These are the instructions which were sent out to the clergy and seminarians who will be attending, and who will be numerous to say the least. My emphasis is added.
Welcome to Colloquium XX. We are so happy to have you with us. Here are some practical points for your preparations.
1. So far we have not been able to arrange for private Masses in any Church. You are welcome to concelebrate on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The Extraordinary Form will be said on Thursday and Saturday where there is no concelebration. On the days that the EF is scheduled we will announce a time when the priests, who wish, can concelebrate at another Mass.
If you do not wish to concelebrate, you may bring a Mass kit with you to say
Mass privately in your room. If we can procure the side altars at the Church of the Epiphany, you will be able to say private Mass there as long as you bring your own Mass kit, hosts and wine and vestments. (So this means that, in one church building, there can be as many as thee Masses being said at the same time – when was the last time we saw something like that in Rochester? 1952?) The parish does not have the facilities or the staff to take care of a large number of priests wanting to say private Mass.
2. To concelebrate you will need an alb and the proper color stole. If you are going to attend the Masses in choir, for both the EF and the OF, you will need cassock and surplice, stole for communion, and if at all possible the biretta, or hood for religious (thebiretta is optional). (Basically, “Even if you’re just in attendance for Mass, you WILL wear a cassock, you WILL wear a collar, and you WILL wear a surplice, so help you God.)3. Seminarians are invited to attend all Masses in choir dress; cassock, surplice and biretta (optional). We will also need servers for the Masses. (Something simple like this does more for vocations than any steak dinner or diocesan theme-Mass at the cathedral.)
4. The Masses are as follows:
Tuesday, June 22, 3:00PM – OF English – SS John Fisher and Thomas Moore – RED
Wednesday, June 23, 3:00PM – OF English – Requiem – BLACK
Thursday, June 24, 300PM – EF – St John the Baptist – WHITE
Friday, June 25, 3:00PM – OF English/Latin – Ferial Mass – GREEN
Saturday, June 26, 3:00PM – EF – Mass of the BVM – WHITE
Sunday, June 27, 10:00AM – OF Latin – 13th Sunday of the Year – GREEN
The colors you will need are Red, Black, White and Green. (You mean, no rainbow??)5. Priests are expected to wear the Roman Collar to the classes, the practices, the Masses and other religious services. At other times you can do whatever you want. For both priests and seminarians, if you wish to wear the cassock, you may do so at any time. (At the Colloquium, it is the customary practice to have the priests look like priests, the nuns look like nuns, and the seminarians look like seminarians. Radical, I know. Talk about your dangerous subversives . . . )
6. We will need your help to make confessions available. A sign up sheet will be made available at the beginning of the Colloquium Looking forward to your participation in Colloquium XX. (Wow. You mean we’re going to have fun AND have confession? I’m pretty sure that’s not in the DoR binder of diocesan norms.)
Rev. Robert Pasley
Chaplain, Church Music Association of America

Tags: Colloquia 2010 and 2011, Liturgy, Music Sacred Catholic Liturgical and Chant
I highly recommend bringing some sort of recording device. If anyone is attending the breakout class on interpreting chant from the ‘pure Vatican edition’ Id be fascinated to know what was covered.
We will be armed with a Flip camcorder, a regular digital camera (which also shoots video/audio), a digital voice recorder, and several other similar items. We have quite the audio/visual arsenal. It will certainly be a pleasure not having to use these things to document illicit Masses and lay preaching. I will *try* to update you all every night after our chanted Vespers/Compline service – this is contingent on how wiped out our little posse is.