More bull from Deacon Ray Defendorf:
“My prayer is that in my lifetime, the diaconate will be fully reinstated and both men and women will again be called to this powerful ministry.”
Don’t hold your breath. Women were never “deacons” in the modern sense of the role.
Source: Catholic Courier comments
Tags: Progressive Drivel
Dr. K please see this:
The question is what are these “Greek and Syriac manuscripts concealed in dusty libraries”. I doubt Rome will consider them seriously.
Ah, Deacon Ray…he is, unfortunately, now at my parish since getting tossed from the parish in Bath, so I get to listen to his drivel on a regular basis. Lately the orthodox among us have been lambasted by the good deacon with homilies and bulletin columns on not being “mean-spirited” spreading “rumors” and “gossip” about the goings on in the diocese.
He is just another aging disciple of “The Spirit of Vatican II” who has strutted and fretted their hour upon the stage that is our dysfunctional diocese and are going to be heard no more soon as they descend into dusty death.
He like so many of his ilk feel the wind shifting but haven’t grasped fully that their time has past and a hurricane is coming that will sweep them away.
Yours in Christ…
Who knows what they are. The fact that they are being revealed by the women priest movement raises significant questions about their authenticity.
The Tablet is a very progressive publication, just to inform our readers.
I have not fully read the following article, but this may be worth a look:
A question for everyone. What’s your overall “take” on the deacons? Ours seems much more solid than the priest or the preaching sister.