Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Diaconate Ordination – Part III

June 6th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

The video below is of the vesting of the newly-ordained deacons. If you look closely (watch this in full screen mode) you will note Fr. Dennis Bonsignore was the vesting priest for Dr. Caton. They can be seen towards the left of the sanctuary – Dr. Caton is the taller fellow standing near the two women in red shirts.

The new growth of orthodoxy in Rochester has begun, folks, and it began right under Bishop Clark’s cathedra.

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2 Responses to “Diaconate Ordination – Part III”

  1. Christopher says:

    My mistake, I posted it under the wrong thread. I hear there were protests outside this mass. Who were the protesting groups (from what churches?) did anyone attempt to educate them or pray with them?

  2. Gen says:

    There was one woman, presumably from Spiritus Christi, with a sign saying "ordain women now." The rest were rather angry evangelicals/born agains. A couple people tried to be peaceable with them, but were greeted with "get away you devil worshipers." The protesters were not open to prayer, and were blind to any reason or truth offered by the hordes of priests, deacons, lay people, etc. on the steps of the cathedral. Shameful behavior on their part. We don't go yell into loudspeakers at their services.

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