Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Best place to meet new friends

June 19th, 2010, Promulgated by Ink

Anyone who knows me in person, be amazed.  I am about to take back anything I ever said about anime conventions being the best place to meet new friends.  (Generally speaking, everyone at an anime convention is automatically everyone else’s best friend because you’re all there together, having fun!)  The best place to meet new friends and have fantastic conversations is at a Catholic bookstore in Rochester.  Why Catholic bookstore?  Because there, you find good people.  Why Rochester?  Just about everyone you meet is very friendly.

I was at Saint John’s Religious Shop  yesterday, looking for a copy of Manalive, describing the story to the lady searching, and this very nice other lady (who had been trying to return something but everyone got sidetracked by awesome conversations) starts talking to me about Chesterton.  We got into a wonderful discussion about it and I’m sad I didn’t get her name.  She was there with her family, and it made me smile to see them all there together.  It was fantastic.

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3 Responses to “Best place to meet new friends”

  1. jetscubs86 says:

    St. John’s Religious Shoppe should be promoted much more often on this website. The volunteers are very friendly and informative, and you could find just about anything you’re looking for in there. I for one could spend hours in there. More importantly, you don’t have to worry about buying anything that’s against the Church’s teaching.

  2. Ink says:

    Exactly! If it weren’t across town from where I live, I would absolutely seek a summer job there. All the people are fantastically nice and everything is beautiful.

  3. Gretchen says:

    St. John’s Religious Shoppe is a wonderful place! I’ve always said that sending me into St. John’s Religious Shoppe is like sending an alcoholic into a discount liquor store!

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