Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Text the Pope Your Support!

May 11th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

In recent months, the Holy Father has taken significant abuse from a number of anti-Catholic and progressive (might as well be anti-Catholic) groups for his perceived mishandling of the sex abuse scandal. Rather than direct their outrage at the abusive priests themselves, the media has launched an all-out assault against the pope, most likely because they disagree with his “conservative” stance on various issues of morality. Anyways, there is a way you can show your support for the Holy Father in these trying times. Zenit reports that a phone number has been established where you can text Pope Benedict messages of encouragement.

If you wish to text the pope, you can send a message here: +39 335 18 63 091

International text messaging fees apply.

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