Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

She Did It For the Wrong Reasons

May 2nd, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

As many of our readers already know, Chava Redonnet of Rochester was pretend ordained a priest yesterday afternoon at the excommunicated Spiritus Christi church in downtown Rochester. Four other women also played dress-up yesterday, including one who became a fake priest, and three who became fake deacons (one of these three women is from Rochester as well). Today’s Democrat & Chronicle featured a brief article on this event, buried away on the third page of the B section. In it, Ms. Redonnet makes it clear that she is going through with her fake ordination not because she feels a true calling from God to serve Him and His people, but because she wishes to defy the Church and be a progressive trailblazer. In my opinion, these are not good reasons for anyone to become a priest.

Here are excerpts from the article, with emphasis and commentary:

“Chava Redonnet was ordained a priest in Rochester on Saturday in what she considers to be an act of ecclesiastical disobedience [Because that’s all this really is].

Although the Roman Catholic Church prohibits the ordination of women as priests, deacons and bishops, Redonnet considers herself to be Catholic and hopes to move the church in a more inclusive direction [She wishes to be a trailblazer and rule-changer, not necessarily a good and holy priest-ess].

About 350 people attended [That’s it? Even Sr. Joan Sobala’s St. Anne draws more people for weekend Mass!] the ordination at Spiritus Christi Church in Rochester.

She [Fake bishop Andrea Johnson] went on to say: “God’s work is the work of justice and peace for all [Again, this whole event is not about answering a call to serve God; it’s just one big political statement against the Catholic Church].”

But in an interview, Redonnet, 52, of Rochester, said that she has the training to be a Catholic priest.

“The only thing that is different is that we are women. And that’s not justice,” said Redonnet, who was previously ordained a deacon.

Redonnet has a master’s degree in divinity from Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School and is the chaplain at St. Joseph’s House of Hospitality [To which the DoR sends priests] in Rochester. She has done work as a chaplain at Strong Memorial Hospital and St. John’s Home. She is also a peacemaker with the Presbytery of Genesee Valley.

Redonnet, who likens her ordination to a religious version of civil disobedience, said that change for justice never comes from the top but rather from the grass-roots [What of serving God and His people? Is this all you care about???].”

I think it’s very clear from the article that the only thing on Chava’s mind is the political statement she is making.

Note: Image at top is not from the ordination, but from your run of the mill Spiritus service.

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9 Responses to “She Did It For the Wrong Reasons”

  1. Bernie says:

    Regarding the photograph.
    My eyes hurt!

  2. VCS says:

    Bishop Clark opened the door to all this heresy. This is his legacy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Well you're all about 35 years too late. This sort of stuff was happening way before Bishop Clark. I remember, as a student at the University of Rochester, Sister Joan Sobala concelebrating Catholic Mass at the University's Interfaith chapel. She said she wanted to be a priest and had all the education necessary to qualify her for the priesthood sans the ordination. I guess she was practicing for the day when she thought that she would be ordained!

    I left Rochester about 30 years ago and from what I read in this blog, I'm glad I did. All of you faithful in the Diocese of Rochester are in my prayers.

    UofR graduate

  4. Matt says:

    did you see? Ray posted a great shot of fake-priest chava giving fake-communion to fake-priest mary. I'm so glad old ladies have such vibrant imaginations!!!

  5. Persis says:

    Dr. K said-
    Again, this whole event is not about answering a call to serve God; it's just one big political statement against the Catholic Church."

    Amen Dr. K!!

    A one who was, at one time, also misguided by my desire to make the Church "fair", I agree wtih you 100%!
    I do not know this woman at all, but, being a priest is not at all about what "I" want and all about what God wants!
    And I, unfortunately, have NEVER heard a woman seeking ordination say this is what God wants, it is always, "I want, I want, I want…"

  6. Gen says:

    Well said, Persis.

    I really wouldn't doubt that many of these "me-oriented" women would, if things were normal, make great and holy nuns. There's something there in them that brings them to some kind of ministry. If only they had been properly catechized, and led to the avenues of truth rather than the back-alleys of error.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Attendance drops when Jim Callan isn't runnning the show.

  8. Anonymous says:

    You all will need Fr Erik to come clean up this mess.

  9. Gen says:

    Boy would we love that!

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