Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

How Diverse Is Spiritus Christi?

May 4th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Spiritus Christi, going back to when they were still at Corpus Christi, always used to boast about how they were such a “diverse” community. The truth, as we all know, was that Corpus Christi was a parish comprised of rich white folk who rarely included the African American people of the neighborhood into the life of the community aside from their social outreaches. Charlotte Bruney, who served as co-Pastoral Administrator following the removal of Jim Callan, pointed out this fact in her essay entitled “Drawing Lines In the Sand: The Corpus Christi Dilemma”[No longer online]. Here is what she says about Corpus Christi’s so-called “diversity”:

Parish membership is white middle class suburban, and does not at all reflect the poor inner-city neighborhood in which it is situated. For a parish that prides itself on being “inclusive and welcoming,” its outreach to the neighborhood is done through works of charity and mercy. The recipients of the outreach ministries are rarely incorporated in the worshiping community.”

Take a look at this image below from Chava Redonnet’s ordination as a fake priest. I ask you, where is the diversity at Spiritus Christi? I see one non-white person in the congregation. One! The median age of the people in attendance is also probably over 60 years old. The future of progressive Catholicism is bleak.


Folks, these progressive parishes like to blow the trumpet over how diverse they are, but they are always the least diverse parishes of all. I tell you, there are no whiter churches in the area than St. Mary downtown and Spiritus Christi.

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8 Responses to “How Diverse Is Spiritus Christi?”

  1. Talk about the 'graying' of the church!

    I wonder how many Spiritus Christi parishioners showed up for this and how many of these people came from outside of Rochester? After all it was a Womenpriests event.

  2. Dr. K says:

    The number of people at the ordinations given by the D&C; was 350. No idea how many of those were Spiritus folks. Either the novelty has worn off since Ramerman's pretend ordination, or Chava is not that popular with the lay folk.

    ~Dr. K

  3. Mike says:

    This looks pretty much like the same demographic that came out to see Sr. Joan Chittister at Church of the Assumption last June.

    "A dying race of heterodox 'reformers'," to borrow a phrase from one of your commenters.

    See here.

  4. BaltoCath says:

    A wholesale failure of the spiritual works of mercy; a not uncommon failing of the 'social justice' crowd. Someone once told me, "If you feed a man that's ok, but if you refuse to be his friend you still have not done justice."

  5. Anonymous says:

    It would be my preference if you don't refer to these protestants as "progressive Catholics." Catholic they've chosen not to be, and have excommunicated themselves. We have enough real "progressive Catholicism" in our diocese without including these folks who have chosen to be separated.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Isn't it interesting that God isn't calling any men to the "priesthood" at Spiritus Christi?

  7. Matt says:

    God called Spiritus, they hung up on Him, calling Him too stuck in the old ways, antiquated, and too male-dominated.

  8. Raymond Rice says:

    Dear Anon: check out Raymond Grossworth on youtube!!! He is a vocation from Spiritus.

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