Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Fr. Mayer on the Roman Missal

May 15th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

As we have commented upon repeated times here at Cleansing Fire, there have been far too many priests, deacons, and lay “ministers” who have publicly voiced their opposition to the revised translation of the Roman Missal. Not all of our leaders in Rochester have done this, however. We would like to take a moment to applaud a local priest who has publicly spoken good of the new translations, and who actually awaits their arrival with enthusiasm. That priest is Fr. Michael Mayer, pastor of Light of Christ (St. Andrew and Church of the Annunciation). Here are his writings on the new Missal translations, with emphasis and some commentary:

“Although a date has not yet been given for its implementation, a new Roman Missal has been approved. The Missal contains all of the prayers for Mass and is usually referred to as the Sacramentary in parishes. Work has been underway for many years. The Latin version was issued in 2002 and, since then, countries have been at work translating it into the appropriate languages. The Missal will correct some mistranslations [Exactly right. For example “mysterium fidei” does not mean “let us proclaim the mystery of faith.” Where that “let us proclaim the” came from, I do not know] (which is not to say that they were theologically incorrect) from our current Sacramentary and add new prayers for various occasions, saints, etc.

Here are just a few of the changes contained in the new Missal: instead of saying ?And also with you? to ?The Lord be with you,? we?ll say ?And with your spirit? which is what the Latin text has always read. For the Creed we?ll say ?I believe . . . ? instead of ?We believe . . .,? again because of the original Latin wording. There will also be other changes in the Penitential Rites, Gloria, Creed, the Mystery of Faith, Lamb of God and other prayers [See, priests of Rochester? This is what you all should be doing. The faithful need to be educated about these changes to the Mass. Instead of dragging your feet, signing petitions, and telling your parishioners to do the same; embrace what the Church and the bishops have approved, and instruct your flock!].

There are currently ongoing workshops around the country to help priests and diocesan leaders better understand the changes, so that they can introduce them in their respective parishes and dioceses. If you would like to read more on the new Roman Missal, you can go the U.S. Bishops? site at where you will find much more information on the history of the new Missal and examples of what will be in the Missal [Excellent].

I?m looking forward to using the new Missal because it will be an opportunity for me to reflect more on what I say during the Mass. I think it will also benefit all of you since we will be challenged to go deeper into our celebration of the Mass [Both very good points, Father!]. This is crucial since the Mass is a radical participation in God?s life and the kingdom to come.

God?s blessings on you all,
Fr. Mike”

Well said, Father.

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One Response to “Fr. Mayer on the Roman Missal”

  1. Scott/Mary says:

    Well done good and faithful servant!!

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