Cleansing Fire has been nominated for five categories in the Crescat Cannonball Awards; the only award that matters.
Click on a link to go directly to the voting pages (for greater efficiency!):
1. Best Armchair Theologian
2. More Catholic Than the Pope
3. Best Visual Treat
4. Most Church Militant
5. Best New Kid on the Block
Let the Lord guide your mouse clicks! Tell your friends to vote, tell your family, tell your priest!
Tags: News and Media, Orthodoxy at Work
Dr. K – you have my votes (except for militant…I can't vote against myself, you know!).
May the most shameless win!!
So much for Michigan Brotherhood LARRY!!!
Dr. K – I'm with the Rochester hook up. Don't forget Wynken, Blynken, and Nod for Best Potpourri of Popery!
You're rockin' the vote!
That we are, Nod! Many thanks.