Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Announcing the Brand New “Vocatus Es Contest”

May 25th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

The Diocese of Rochester is trying (and I give them some credit for that) to recruit men to the priesthood through these posters you’ve seen here and in your parish atria and gathering spaces. However, most men aren’t called through feel-good posters, but one-on-one interaction with priests. There is something so fraternal about the priesthood, something which gets forgotten or trivialized in these posters. Sure, the little boy at the altar looks cute enough. “Aww, he’s soo wittle!” But that’s not what rouses vocations awareness.

And so I’m challenging you all to design two posters:

#1 will be a serious poster, asking young men to answer the call to the diocesan priesthood.

#2 will be a comedic poster, embracing the fruits of your snarkiness. I will post ALL submissions, presuming they aren’t inappropriate, and we will vote on them in due time. 

You can submit for one or both categories.

What do you get for all your hardwork? How about a brand new Cleansing Fire t-shirt! If you want, I’ll even autograph it for you. Just promise you won’t sell it on eBay. Yes, I’m just that awesome. Runners up will receive, in order of achievement, a Cleansing Fire medal for second place, and 10 Cleansing Fire prayer cards for third place.

So get to work! I want to see your Vocations Awareness Posters! Send your submissions in the Vocatus Es Contest to me at Do it now, and maybe

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4 Responses to “Announcing the Brand New “Vocatus Es Contest””

  1. Ben Anderson says:

    I'm much more interested in the autograph than the t-shirt. If I mail you a prayer card, will you sign it for me?

  2. Gen says:

    Sure, but there's a slight fee. Just got a memo from Buffalo Road that CF didn't pay our CMA assessment yet.

  3. Mike says:

    Drawing, graphics design and the like are not among my gifts but, even if they were, I don't think I could do better than this.

  4. Nerina says:


    That poster gave me chills. Perfect.

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