Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Vibrant Worship Communities

April 10th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

I think we all know the liberal buzz-words for “strong parishes,” words like “diverse,” “vibrant,” “inclusive,” etc. Well, I have never seen true diversity at a liberal parish. Never. Sure, it looks diverse, but all we’re really seeing is a group of hippies experiencing gender and race confusion.

However, if we take a look at the truly Catholic parishes, those overtly loyal to Rome, we see a different trend emerging, something called “genuine diversity,” tempered with tangible strength. These parishes, St. Thomas the Apostle, Holy Spirit, Our Lady of Victory, St. Stanislaus/Latin Mass Community, attract vast amounts of people from different walks of life. While churches like Assumption may have thousands of people, how many have the devotion of those in the pews at OLV or STA? Not many, I am sad to say. The people at those wayward parishes have not been catechized properly – those at STA, for example, have.

So what does a vibrant worship community look like? Take a look at these photos from St. Thomas the Apostle this Good Friday:

This church is definitely not a dying community. To target a parish who can attract such large numbers, even for a cluster-celebration, is to have a very short-sighted notion of diocesan needs. If we’re going to end up with a handful of super-churches, wouldn’t it be wise to save the biggest church buildings? But no – we’re saving the ones that are near and dear to the hearts of a handful of dottering old liberals.

Pray for the people of St. Thomas the Apostle, parishioners who are legitimately vibrant, legitimately diverse, and legitimately Catholic.

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6 Responses to “Vibrant Worship Communities”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful photographs! These are images the bishop simply can not ignore. No other church in Irondequoit can come accommodate that many people. We're moving toward super churches anyways, it just makes sense to keep the biggest ones that we have rather than have to build new ones down the road.

  2. Anonymous says:

    He'll do anything to push his agenda. Nice doesn't count in his world.

  3. Anonymous says:

    These photos show the magnificence of this beautiful parish! The bishop has been after STA for a long time. He simply does not like the character of the parish and will make sure it goes away before he does.
    God Bless STA!

  4. Anonymous says:

    The DOR's own analysis states that there will be less than 50 active diocesan priests by 2025, 15 short years! And yet they would close a parish Church that can easily seat 1000 people as these pictures show.
    I guess one could conclude that they really don't like this parish and want to drive a nail into it while they can still can!

  5. Anonymous says:

    What a beautiful set of pictures. I remember well going to my niece's first communion in the early 80' s. Father Callan (the elder)gave a beautiful homily on St. Tarcisius. Our family still talks of the occasion and his words.
    Thanks for this sign of hope in Irondequoit.

  6. Anonymous says:

    As a member of STA during Father Callan's tenure, I can attest to the greatness of this priest! He was a true "rock" of the faith! He was smart, holy and true to the teachings of the Church. He actually had a great sense of humor too! One could always depend on him to know what is right and true in any situation. I miss him so much. We need more priests like him (and his friend Father Collins too).
    I pray for his intercession for STA.
    Thanks for remembering him Grandma!

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