Peace of Christ Young Adult ministry will be holding its dinner and discussion on Friday at 6:30 PM at St. James church hall. Anyone age 21-40 is welcoming to spend an evening with four of Rochester’s youngest priests: Fr. Tayag, Fr. Dinh, Fr. Carpenter, and Fr. Rice CSB. The dinner will be pass a dish, so be sure to bring a food item along. The priests will take pre-submitted questions on Catholicism and answer them for those who attend. This is a great opportunity to sit down with some of our newest priests who will be serving us for years into the future. If you want to learn a little about about Catholicism, send in a question and attend.
If you are planning to attend, be sure to RSVP here:
Also, remember to submit your question(s) for the priest panel here:
Tags: News and Media, Orthodoxy at Work