Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Don’t Cry For Nancy

April 7th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

It’s official folks; Nancy DeRycke is on her way out as the Pastoral Administrator of Church of the Good Shepherd. As you may recall, Ms. DeRycke not too long ago self-consecrated herself as the “Pastoral Leader” of Good Shepherd. A reader who attends this parish informed us a couple of weeks ago that her time as “Pastoral Leader” is approaching its end. Today, Ms. DeRycke has officially made the announcement.

From Nancy’s pen… err… keyboard:

Before you think of shedding any tears for Ms. DeRycke, do remember that she is a good friend of the bishop. She’ll be running another parish soon, whether it be in the coming months, or by this time next year.

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3 Responses to “Don’t Cry For Nancy”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps she'll be appointed "Lay Pastoral Leader" of the Diocese of Rochester.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps she'll be appointed "Lay Pastoral Leader" of the Diocese of Rochester.

  3. Nobis Quoque says:

    Why can I see "Hello, I am Nancy DeRycke, married womyn priest from Rochester, New York" so vividly in my mind's eye?

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