Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Convocation Week Masses

April 11th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

This week is the annual priest’s convocation in the Diocese of Rochester. As is usually the case, the next three days (evening of the 12th, 13th, morning of the14th) will result in a large number of Communion Services in our area parishes. Thankfully, there are a few parishes which will be able to offer Masses this week despite the convocation. Here are some churches and Mass times for those who want to attend Mass, and not sit and watch Sister play priest.

Disclaimer: I am aware that some of these services are led by deacons, and not always by Sister.

Solid parishes for Convocation Week Masses-
Holy Cross (Charlotte): M,T,W – 7:30 AM, 5:20 PM. 4492 Lake Avenue, Rochester.
Holy Spirit (Penfield/Webster): T,W – 9:00 AM, 5:30 PM. 1355 Hatch Road, Webster. Note- Monday evening will be a Communion Service. The other times will be Masses.
Our Lady of Victory (Downtown): M,T,W – 12:10 PM. 210 Pleasant Street, Rochester.
St. Stanislaus (Northern Rochester): M,T,W – 8:00 AM. 1124 Hudson Avenue, Rochester.



10 Responses to “Convocation Week Masses”

  1. I still refer to the priest's convocation as "3 Days of Darkness"!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Holy Spirit also has Mass at 9:00 AM on Monday 4/12/10 and Deacon Brian Mahoney will preside over the 5:30 PM Communion Service.

  3. Anonymous says:

    What Mass will be said at St. Stan, at 8AM. English? Polish? Latin?

  4. Anon 11:10..I know it won't be in Latin.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I for one am not happy with a communion service, whatever person leads it. Going to Church just to "get" communion feels irreverent to me, as if the Eucharistic bread and wine are an object and not part of a larger sacrifice and worship with the presence of the priest.
    I would rather be "hungry" for the Eucharist shared in the sacrifice of the Mass.

  6. Gen says:

    I agree, Grandma. There's something about communion services (outside of Good Friday, of course) that seems too trite to be sacred. Of course it's still Our Lord, but it's like fast food in its casual nature. And plus, there's just so much room for inappropriate conduct from the "minister" who may be leading it.

  7. Matt says:

    I also sometimes wonder if it doesn't further the idea some of our lay administrators have that priests are just sacrament machines. I wouldn't be surprised to see one of them try something like
    'You know, father, don't worry about saying Mass on Tuesday, just consecrate some extra hosts Monday and then I'll lead a communion service instead for the people Tuesday. It'll be much better, I can preach there!'

  8. Anonymous says:

    With all due respect, I think we're all getting a little too spoiled by the abundance (albeit diminishing) amount of Masses. You know, there are many places in the world where people are starving for the Eucharist and maybe we should stop complaining because we are temporarily inconvenienced. I for one am not always able to receive Our Lord in Holy Communion daily and while assisting at Holy Mass is certainly the most preferable manner in which to receive Our Lord, if a Communion Service is the only option available at the time,then we should avail ourselves of the opportunity.

  9. Dr. K says:

    The Communion service is hardly the only option available when you can drive a measly five minutes to get to a Mass at another parish.

    ~Dr. K

  10. Sister Emily says:

    I agree. If You can drive to a communion service you can drive just a wee bit further for a mass at a Parish. That is why we have expressways. Just go to bed earlier and get up earlier or don't complain about it.

    I know some lovely sisters,and when they serve I do not take communion from them. We have had our conversations about it and so far them seem to quietly accept it. ( at least I think they do) If not, tough luck Sisters!!

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