Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Changing of the Guard

April 29th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

The following is taken from the people at US Catholic. Seeing as how they use our work and do not link, we will not extend a courtesy refused to us. Smack of the crozier at self-centered liberals.

My commentary added, as usual.

When the alarm clock rings, Father James Moore, 33, pops out of bed. He brews coffee, makes his bed, and launches into prayer.
Down the hall, Father Bart Hutcherson, 48, likes to set two alarms half an hour apart to ease into the morning. He doesn?t bother making his bed.  
Their days, their desks, and their general approaches to priesthood differ widely. Yet they are both Dominican priests serving the same parish, St. Thomas More Catholic Newman Center in Tucson, Arizona.
When they are standing side by side on Sunday, the contrast is clear. Father Bart wears a simple white habit, a green chasuble, and sandals (AKA “Hippie”). Father James wears the same habit and chasuble, along with an alb, an amice, and black shoes (AKA “priest”). He looks fancier, yet he is the associate to Father Bart, who considers his junior?s dress ?overkill.?(There is nothing overkill about looking like a priest. The only thing which is “overkill” is the older priest’s dated demeanor and liberal taint.)
The amice ?is truly a pre-Vatican II vestment, not required in any circumstances,? he says. ?Here in the desert, it makes little sense to put on an extra layer of clothes.?(It’s not about comfort, it’s about the liturgy. It’s one thing which was discarded needlessly, and without any formal decree. It was one more casualty of the “Spirit of Vatican II,” a spirit which the older priest obviously professes.)
So it is no surprise, with clothing differences that translate into liturgical ones, that parishioners wondered what would ensue when Father James?fresh out of seminary (It’s the young ones who are loyal) ?was assigned to assist their more casual pastor.
?Father James led such a sheltered life, growing up in a traditional Catholic family in the country, so he shows up at the Newman Center and he?s all set and ready to fight the good fight,? (I don’t care for this fellow’s tone. So what if he’s from the country? John Paul II acted the same way, but grew up in a big city, Krakow. Oh, but that’s right, we don’t have to examine anything before Vatican II, because it’s all irrelevant.) says parishioner Cliff Bowman, 45, a pilot instructor and father of four (what lofty credentials to judge a newly-ordained priest). ?I was a little concerned how they were going to work out.?
The two priests had the same questions. Father Bart had just attended Father James? ordination, ?a very high-church liturgy at a big Gothic church??a far cry from the informal Newman Center where, alas, the avid organist would have no organ. ?That was my first impression: How is he going to survive here without an organ? And is he going to push us to try to get an organ?? (What a shallow interpretation of being a lover of the liturgy.) Father Bart recalls. ?I knew his liturgical style is much more high church than mine, so I worried, how is that going to affect our ministry here? Is that going to be something that?s a sadness for him? Or is it going to be something where he comes in and tries to change the dynamic here??
Father James had no plans for a takeover, but he did bring a penchant for Gregorian chant, a knowledge of Latin, and a ?curiosity as to how it would play out.?(Sounds like a tyrant to me. Not.)
How is it playing out two years later? ?Pretty well,? Bowman says, which is remarkable when you line the two men up and break down their differences. The short list is the stuff they have in common: the Dominican formation, the Newman mission, the commitment to priesthood and service.
The list of differences is virtually everything else, beginning with where they preach, how they preach, and what they preach on. Father James uses a prepared text and stands at the lectern; Father Bart leaves the lectern and the script. Father James addresses morality, church teaching, and church history, while Father Bart applies scripture to everyday challenges and temptations (note the difference between what a homily should be, and what the homily is for the older priest).
Even the way they position their hands at Mass reflects broader discrepancies: Father Bart folds one hand over the other, palms facing his chest (and liberals call orthodox liturgists effeminate??), while Father James presses his hands together, fingers pointing up.

Changing of the guard

As a younger generation of priests joins and replaces an older generation, parishes across the country are feeling the change (God forbid.). City by city, diocese by diocese, it is a changing of guards that is neither swift nor soundless and comes with no choreography to guide the steps.
Many young priests arrive with an unabated zeal for the church, a solid grasp of liturgical rubrics, and a preference, if not insistence, for traditions of the past (If it were me, it would be insistence, not “preference.” We are seeing young men coming in who aren’t the liberal pushovers we have now [or the liberal tyrants]). They call themselves ?JPII priests? because their formative years were shaped by Pope John Paul II?s pontificate. They are unafraid to preach on touchier moral teachings and eager to share rituals they consider timeless?ones their gray-haired peers often interpret as a step backward from the hard-won changes of the Second Vatican Council.(“Hard-won changes”? The changes these liberals cling to are not genuine results of the council – they have contrived them out of the haughtiness of their hearts.)
For these older priests, zeal for the church has softened into an abiding love, tinged by an awareness of its shortcomings. They?ve seen many messy relationships, and they?ve mastered the fine art of meeting people where they are and gently drawing them in.(And new priests can’t do this? How do these people think the Church existed before Vatican II?)
At best, the change can puzzle parishioners, surprised at how different the same vocation can look. It can result in awkward moments?a parishioner sitting between a pastor and an associate pastor engaged in a tense debate at a council meeting, or seeing the older priest roll his eyes and reference ?the young buck.?
At worst, it can induce an exodus of parishioners. (Show me one parish that has suffered because of orthodoxy. Name one.) When the old priest and the new priest are diametrically opposed, Catholics say it can feel as if the axis of a familiar home church is tilting, the ground moving beneath their feet.
It?s ?jarring,? says Mary Deeley, the pastoral associate at the Sheil Catholic Center in Evansto
n, Illinois. ?Whenever you have a change in leadership, there are going to be people who say, ?I just can?t do this. I?m out because he?s out.???
On a personal level, that can result in a crisis of faith?someone who stops going to Mass or someone who never comes back.(So the author isn’t a practicing Catholic? I wouldn’t want to infer the wrong thing, but that’s what it sounds like to me. How can someone who “stops going to Mass” actually write about this with any semblance of credibility?)
That major decision can be prompted by minor liturgical changes, which parishioners quickly pick up on and often read into, says Karon Latham, who has worked as a pastoral associate and now serves as director of faith formation for a cluster of three parishes in rural Central Michigan. ?The liturgy is the heart of who we are and what holds us together as Catholics,? she says. ?Any time there is an abrupt change in the way [liturgy] is done, it can really interfere with the way people are encountering God.?(It can interfere with the way people think they’re encountering God. Would you not rather have a spotless liturgy than a familiar one? We are called to strive towards perfection, not to settle for what’s easy, common, or understandable. The Mass is above all that, and should be approached as such. That means no sandals and more amices.)
There’s more of this, but it’s just the same liberal buzzwords over and over again. I have better things to do than to destroy liberals and their weak arguments.

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9 Responses to “Changing of the Guard”

  1. They are unafraid to preach on touchier moral teachings and eager to share rituals they consider timeless?ones their gray-haired peers often interpret as a step backward from the hard-won changes of the Second Vatican Council.

    Hard won? Yeah right. Like Godzilla's hard-won victory over Bambi.

    P.S. 10 days to Sr. Joan's retirement. I assume there won't be much of a celebratory count-down because the prevailing assumption is that she will be kept on to continue the scorched earth policy.

    Scott W.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The Diocese of Tucson is a cesspool of Liberalism. I believe we have 5 parishes on the "gay friendly" list in the City. It's good to hear of another Holy Priest fazing out a hippy stronghold.

  3. Gen says:

    Scott – major lol @ bambi vs. godzilla

    Also, you're right about the Sobala countdown. I would be immensely surprised if she didn't at least try to serve for another few years.

  4. Matt says:

    Perhaps letters should be written, kindly requesting that she be subject to the same regulations he puts on priest-pastors

  5. Gen says:

    All that needs to be done, though, is for Bishop Clark to deny her retirement, something he can do according to the norms/canon law, etc. It's just something we'll have to live with.

    My confirmation word is "suing."

  6. Sister Emily says:

    RATS!!! I was looking forward to staying up late with Dr.K to watch his fire work display again.

  7. Anonymous says:

    All priests: Get out at age 70. Close more parishes.

    Sr. Joan, continue as long as you want,(As long as I need you), as long as you are able to do more harm to the diocese).

  8. Louis E. says:

    How many lay pastoral administrators will be in office a year after Clark goes?

  9. Anonymous says:

    If orthodoxy weren't looked upon as a bad thing, I'd be happy to show up

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