Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

While Shopping, Reality Reared its Head

March 10th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

I was browsing the website of Aquinas and More, and I noticed a clear trend. Whenever you click on a specific category, you see to the right of the page a list of the top selling items in that particular category. When one clicks “Vestments – Clergy Apparel,” the following is visible:

Best Sellers In
Vestments – Clergy Apparel
(30 Day List)
MDS Long Sleeve Tab Collar Clergy Shirt

MDS Long Sleeve Tab Collar Clergy Shirt

Altar Server Gloves - Small Altar Server Gloves – Small

Abbey Brand Altar Server Roman Cassock Black Abbey Brand Altar Server Roman Cassock Black

Murphy Short Sleeve Clergy Shirt Murphy Short Sleeve Clergy Shirt

Clericool III Neckband Collar Clericool III Neckband Collar

Abbey Brand Adult Server and Priest Cassock Abbey Brand Adult Server and Priest Cassock

Abbey Brand Square Yoke Surplice Abbey Brand Square Yoke Surplice

So, from this, I am led to the conclusion that we have clergy who are 1. buying clerical shirts, so that when they are in public, they may actually appear priestly. God forbid. 2. we have altar boys who will be vested in cassocks and surplices (as well as priests). Evidently, this can’t be true, seeing as how Sr. Sobala declared that “only priests can wear cassocks.” Ah, yes, that makes perfect sense, especially when you consider that for each cassock listed as a “best seller,” one sees “server” in the description.

Better still, along with the cassocks, the surplices, and the clerical shirts, clerical collars are a “top-selling” item. Still more evidence of how twisted Rochester is – when was the last time you saw a priest grocery shopping in a collar? I’d go with 1958, personally.



13 Responses to “While Shopping, Reality Reared its Head”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Yesterday, Pittsford Wegmans.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I once saw Father Leone dressed as a Priest should be dressed, standing in line at Walmarts with just a can of drano in his hand. I looked at the can and asked him, "don't you have people for that?" He said, "you are looking at him."

  3. Gen says:

    I know who the first comment pertains to. He wouldn't want me to say here.

    Fr. Leone is definitely one of the shining examples of the priesthood this diocese has.

  4. Sister Emily says:

    Drano is a job for the pastoral administrator.

  5. Gen says:

    Sr. E – I read that quickly and thought you said, "Drano is a drink for the pastoral administrator."

    My bad.

  6. Anonymous says:

    I have seen one at the Apple store in Eastview Mall! It may have been Fr. Carpenter.

  7. Dr. K says:

    "I have seen one at the Apple store in Eastview Mall! It may have been Fr. Carpenter."

    It may have been him. I have heard that he is an Apple fan.

    Give me Microsoft products any day of the week!

    ~Dr. K

  8. Anonymous says:

    I saw the bishop wearing his clergy wear at the Greece Barnes & Nobles. I don't usually have much positive to say about him, but that is one thing that I have to give him respect for doing.

  9. Gen says:

    I saw him once in the Pittsford one. No collar, but clearly in clericals. Yes, a semi-nod of the miter to Bishop Clark.

  10. Ben Anderson says:

    "Give me Microsoft products any day of the week!"

    as if this blog doesn't have enough controversy around it already, Dr. K feels the need to kick it up a notch!

  11. Ben Anderson says:

    I would love to go, but there's no way I can take off a whole week w/out involving the family. Take lots of pictures and maybe even do some live blogging.

  12. Bill Gates says:

    Worship me you mere mortals!

  13. Jon says:

    I love this. The alter server gloves as used at High Mass for carrying the Crucifix. Nice touch! I think, I should donate a pair to the Latin Mass community. It's the only thing missing.
    Yay, for properly dressed altar servers (cassocks and surplices, instead of those stupid albs). Thank God for OLV and the Latin Mass community.

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