Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Story in New Liturgical Movement

March 19th, 2010, Promulgated by Choir

There is a story over at New Liturgical Movement about a parish in the Diocese of Sioux Falls, South Dakota that has fully instituted the “ad orientem” for the celebration of Holy Mass. This is wonderful news. What I found interesting is that the Bishop of the diocese – Bishop Paul J. Swain, is a native of Newark, NY. Newark is within the diocese of Rochester. Something good as come out of the DoR.

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2 Responses to “Story in New Liturgical Movement”

  1. Gen says:

    God bless that priest, for showing that ad orientem is not as scary or hideous as the liberals make it out to be.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The ad orientem posture is gaining followers around the country, with hierarchy and laity alike embracing it.

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