Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Poster Parish and Palm Sunday

March 29th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

I arrived home just in time for the 11 o’clock news last night. I flipped on my television to NBC, and within a few minutes they ran a story about local Palm Sunday services. Wouldn’t you know it, the church they decided to go to (once again) was St. Mary’s downtown. The following morning (today), I opened up my copy of the D&C.; Glaring at me once again from the front page of the B-section was a Palm Sunday Mass at… St. Mary’s downtown.

Are there really no other parishes in this diocese that the media must always focus on a small handful? Can the media finally choose to run a Catholic holy day story that doesn’t involve either: St. Mary downtown, Sacred Heart Cathedral, St. Joseph in Penfield, or Church of the Assumption?

A Cleansing Fire reader made note in the comments section of another post that the D&C; article mentions that St. Mary downtown had “about 200 people” in attendance for their 11 AM Mass.

Not only is the media focusing on one of the most progressive parishes in the diocese, but they also picked one of the smaller parishes. Maybe they pick St. Mary’s because of their great diversity. I mean, where else can you see so many shades of white?

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3 Responses to “Poster Parish and Palm Sunday”

  1. Maybe they pick St. Mary's because of their great diversity.

    Maybe they picked it because its only across the river a couple of blocks?

  2. Anonymous says:

    OLV is pretty close too…

  3. Gen says:

    Much closer, yes.

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