Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Interesting Speaker

March 30th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

A reader directs our attention to an upcoming event in the Diocese of Rochester called the Gathering of the Ministerium. There will be a special guest speaker who will lecture at the event. According to the St. Bernard institute [of Heresy Sciences] Web site, the speaker will be Fr. Anthony Gittins, C.S.Sp.

A Google search on this priest, who is the author of “A Presence That Disturbs: A Call To Radical Discipleship”, will turn up the following: . Apparently Fr. Gittins has delivered lectures for the dissenting New Ways Ministry entitled “Radical Inclusiveness: The Ministry of Jesus and His Followers Today.”

New Ways Ministry has received criticism from leaders of the Roman Catholic Church for their positions on homosexual acts. USCCB president, Cardinal Francis George, has denounced the group as a “pesudo-Catholic organization.” Furthermore, the Bishop of Toledo has forbidden them to give lectures in his diocese. If one checks the New Ways Web site, you will see they have called upon their members to write and complain to Card. George, as well as to send copies to the Apostolic Nuncio. Additionally, on their front page, they link to a page called “Gay Friendly Parishes.” This page lists a number of Rochester parishes as being “gay friendly” (whatever that means…). Among the highlights are St. Mary downtown, Good Shepherd, and Church of the Assumption.

Additionally, Fr. Gittins’ homepage at the Catholic Theological Union mentions the following in his biography: “He has an adopted, multi-ethnic family: a daughter and four grandchildren.” The man is a priest, right?

We always bring in the best speakers here in the Diocese of Rochester, don’t we?

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3 Responses to “Interesting Speaker”

  1. Ben Anderson says:

    and until recently much of this stuff went unnoticed by most people. It's so sad, but thanks for exposing this kind of stuff.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Father Gittins is a compelling speaker and reverently attends to the Word. Sometimes we need to go outside the diocese for this.

  3. Mike says:

    Anon. 8:54,

    Everything I've read about Martin Luther indicates that he, too, was a compelling speaker with a deep reverence for the Word of God.

    That didn't keep him from being a heretic.

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