Here’s the proof.
Sorry, Sister. Looks like you’re wrong. Something tells me that the numbers of solid seminarians and genuine lovers of the Holy Mother Church vastly outnumber the supporters of the Women’s Ordination Conference and its related entities of dissent.
I chose to share this photo, not only to make that point, but to illustrate the nobility and the genuineness of the men entering seminaries world-wide. If you look at the photo, all the men are vested similarly except one, who is a Carmelite. The others are members of the FSSP. You should note, also, how this man, who has a vow of poverty, does not own one of the chant books the others are using, sitting humbly, hands folded in contemplation. However, in a true spirit of Christian charity, and a fraternal charity at that, one of the young men of the FSSP is holding open the book for the young Carmelite.
That is Church, ladies and gentlemen. Not these prancing fools who besiege our sanctuaries, swaying and braying like the arrogant, self-absorbed children-of-God that they are. (May God bless them.) If we had this kind of spirit here in Rochester, I can say without a doubt, “problem solved.”
I know that it’s been said and quoted to the point of nausea, but here it is: “Preach the Gospel at all times and, if necessary, use words.” This is what St. Francis meant.
Tags: Joan, Liturgy, Orthodoxy at Work, Vocations