Great Fr. Z rant posted today about an over-emphasis on praying for vocations in general when we desperately need vocations to the priesthood:
“Let?s be careful about prayers for vocations.
At times we should pray strictly for vocations to the priesthood. PRIESTHOOD! Deacons are great, but they are not priests. Religious women are great, but they are not priests. Religious men are find, but that is its own vocation. Married people are wonderful, but with a super small number of exceptions it is morally tedious to recount, they are not priests.
Often prayers for “vocations” are all lumped together, probably so as to avoid one of the great modern mortal sins: not being inclusive.
Fine. Do that. Pray for “vocations”.
But let us pray for PRIESTS?. priestly vocations? vocations to the PRIESTHOOD.”
This is a very appropriate message for a diocese that prints stuff like the following:
No wonder we have so few priests. The importance of the ordained priesthood simply isn’t emphasized as well as it should be.
Many staff folks in parishes out there don't believe in the legitimacy of an ordained priesthood or all male priesthood. They undermine any attempts to get a separate petition inserted in the Sunday prayers of the faithful. I know, I have tried a couple of times. There is, I believe, an unwritten policy in this diocese to never mention vocations to the ordained priesthood separate from vocations in general.
Cleansing Fire should increase the publication of a picture of any staff member or so-called pastoral administrator, who refuses to support the ordained Priesthood.
Let the parishioners in the Diocese of Rochester and the world see these "actresses". They fooled the parishioners for many years, but they can't fool the Internet.
The Internet makes them look like a bunch of fools.
Keep up the good work Cleansing Fire. You are appreciated by more orthodox priests, deacons, nuns and parishioners, than you will ever know.
The actresses are all former Corpus Christi or St. Mary parishioners. These are the jokers with power in the Diocese of Rochester. Joan Sobala, Nancy DeRycke, Denise Mack.
If you want to pray for priests or vocations in Rochester, please visit the web site for the monthly priest calendar. The News page lists the Cleansing Fire link among others.
Thank you for mentioning the MPRP site. We added them to our links section (over on the right somewhere) about a week and a half ago. I hope everyone will take the time to pray for our Rochester priests, especially the ones most in need of our prayers.
~Dr. K
Posted something relevent to this on my own blog in early February.
Sad when even the Office of Vocations misses the boat, tragic during "The Year of the Priest"!