Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Nazareth Academy to Close

February 3rd, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

It’s true, folks. One more Catholic school will shut its doors. I quote from an email sent to me by a devoted reader:

I am very sad to report it was announced at my alma mater, Nazareth Academy, that after this year they will cease to exist.  There is a press conf being held at 10:30 this morning, Nazareth will be merged with Aquinas, which means that is the end of Nazareth the way it was with St. Agnes back in the late 70’s.  Indeed, another sad day.  A facebook group has already been formed titled “save naz academy from extinction“.  Here is part of the facebook page from someone at naz who was there this morning:

February 3rd – 9:00am- Just under an hour ago the Nazareth students were moved into the auditorium and informed that Nazareth would be merging with Aquinas. This is Nazareth’s last year. Right now the students are refusing to attend class even though they are being told to do so. The building will no longer be used by the Academy, but will house K-6 and be run by Aquinas although some are saying that Naz will still have “their own traditions.” The teachers may not have jobs unless enough of the Naz students attend Aquinas and the need for teachers exist; more info on the teachers will be released by March. Most people were aware of the decreasing attendance; only 25 freshmen were registered for the 2010-11 school year.

Another sad day in the Diocese of Rochester.

Business as usual.



10 Responses to “Nazareth Academy to Close”

  1. Dr. K says:

    That's really sad. I know a lot of people with a strong attachment to Nazareth. Catholic education is not as big a priority for this administration as is lay ecclesial ministries.

    ~Dr. K

  2. Persis says:

    Dr, K,
    While I agree that Catholic education does not seem to be a priority in the DOR, I was under the impression that Nazareth was run by the SSJ's, not by the DOR.
    If that is still true, then the DOR and the Bishop really have nothing (at least directly) to do with this announcement, it is a decision made by the Board and the SSJ's.
    Please, if I am misinformed, let me know.
    My Mom was a Nazareth grad, as were many of my other relatives and friends, my heart goes out to them and all the current students- this has to be very difficult for everyone involved.

  3. yankeegirl says:


    You are correct that Naz is run by the SSJ's (and yes, I am a proud graduate) but…. I think Nazareth was heavily affected by the trickle down – the Bishop and Diocese did not support their Catholic grammar schools sufficiently either financially or spiritually, which made parents of Catholic grammar school students (or potential students) run for the public schools. Without a strong grammar school foundation, the high schools then suffer, particularly one on the less affluent west side. It's all connected.

  4. Persis says:

    No doubt there was a "tickle down", hence my comment about the DOR being "indirectly" involved. The point I was trying to make is that we can't blame the DOR and the Bishop for this, as they had no say. Were they part of the problem, yes. Are they ultimatly responsible, no.

    As an aside-
    does anyone know how Mercy is doing as far as enrollment, etc? How long until we see them either go co-ed, "merge" with McQuaid or close altogether?

  5. Christopher says:

    Being a McQuaid alumni, I don't see them going "co-ed" since they're not very adamant on that principal of being all guys. They aren't run by the DOR which gives me hope as well. Hopefully through alumni giving and parents who care about their kid's education will keep McQuaid going for awhile.
    This is something that needs to be in our prayers though.

  6. Anonymous says:

    This will give the Rochester Sisters of St. Joseph more time to play priest in our parishes.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I don't envy the affected families. We've gone through it for the past two years.
    The bishop does bear some responsibility for the demise of Nazareth Academy. By closing the elementary schools, which feed the high schools, he had as much to do with this as anyone did.
    We all thought this would eventually start to happen, but not so soon. It's very, very sad.

  8. Ink says:

    As an Aquinas student, I can say that I'm more than willing to welcome them but I don't want to even have to in the first place–meaning, I'd prefer they have their own school, like they deserve. A shameless plug for my own blog, where I will be doing my utmost best to keep the blogosphere updated on the goings-on from the inside.

  9. Gen says:

    Excellent, Ink. We need some youthful voices here.

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