Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Move Over Benedict

February 16th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

I was perusing various sites of the schismatics, and stumbled across my personal favorite “Vatican in Exile.” For those of you who don’t know exactly what this is, I’ll make the matter clear for you: a man in Kansas was elected pope by his family, and now claims to be the universal head of the Church.

He goes by “Pope Michael,” and his vestments are all hand-made. By his mom.

In his newly-redesigned site, he devotes a great deal of work to chronicling his library and his credibility of being the “true pope.” I quote from the venerable poseur:

In addition to Our autobiography, We are adding a section of Our private opinions on matters as well as influenital [sic] books We have read over the years, both spiritual and secular. As for controversial issues, We have formed some opinions, and these will also be recounted here with teh [sic] reason why We beleive [sic] what We believe. I will list the books in othe [sic] order I first read them, as this may help put things in perspective. They will also be in the autobiography section as separate pages in the timeline.



Starting a library.


So, over the course of over 20 years, this “pope” has read five books. Well, this got me thinking, and I decided that if this man can be a pope, so can I. Below, please find some images to compare – I leave it to you to decide who is more pontifical.
This is the “pope”‘s library:
This is about 1/50th of my library:
Summa Theologica
Code de Droit Canonique (Canon Law)
From left to right:
Latin Vulgate Bible, Gregorian Chant Missal, Offiicium Divinum (Divine Office), a bishop’s Breviary, a priest’s Breviary, another portion of a priest’s Breviary, St. Andrew’s Missal, French St. Joseph’s Missal, English St. Joseph’s Missal, 1962 Missal, and finally a new Roman Missal.
Pope Michael – Me
Also, please note the following credentials:

1. I have about 96% less typos than Pope Michael.
2. I have read more than five books.
3. I am not excommunicated.
4. I don’t need my mom to elect me pope. I’ve got you all.
5. I don’t live in Kansas.
6. I’m “a Catholic male in good standing with the Church”
(that’s the only requirement to be elected pope, i.e. a layperson can legitimately be elected pope.)
7. I have read the Code of Canon Law – not just a “commentary” to it
8. I have a much nicer miter
9. I have about 6,000% more hits on my site than “Pope” Michael has on his
10. People actually care about my opinion.
11. I give you prayer cards if you make me laugh.
12. I haven’t formed my own seminary in my garage (yet)
13. I have a nicer chapel.
That brings me to the whole “liturgical/devotional” side of things. Pope Michael says Mass – I don’t. However, his Masses aren’t valid. If I were to drop everything and get ordained tomorrow, mine would be. And seriously – do you think any schismatic “pope” in Kansas could assemble a family chapel like mine?
So who is more of a pope – Michael or Gen?



7 Responses to “Move Over Benedict”

  1. Nate says:

    is it just me, or was the purpose of this post to show off your library?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Even so, it's an impressive library.

    I think I'm qualified to be pope too if this pope Michael is.

  3. Gen says:

    If I wanted to show off my library, I would have shown my collection of pre-1900 books, one of them being from 1650.

    But that's a story for anoyther day.

  4. Matt says:

    You know, they can elect a non-Catholic if they believe he will immediately convert 😛

  5. Sister Emily says:

    GEN…Oh my, you handsome devil, you are much older than I expected,however you do look familar.

    You can hear my confession any time!!

  6. Gen says:

    I bite my tongue, Sr. Emily.

  7. Ahh, I have heard of this Michael. He has infected YouTube, along with the "Most Holy Family Monastary", which I find is "cult like because they are all over the place like some abstract artist with their beliefs…
    Beautiful Chapel!

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