Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Life Teen Founder Removed From Priestly Ministry

February 18th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

Evidently rock music at Mass and pedophilia outside of Mass don’t mesh too well, in the eyes of Pope Benedict. Who could have guessed?

The following comes from the National Catholic Reporter, because it’s nice seeing the liberals reporting on their own demise.

PHOENIX — A former Mesa pastor has been officially dismissed from the priesthood, officials for the Diocese of Phoenix announced Feb. 16.

Dale Fushek was recently notified he has been laicized. The Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith had been investigating the former pastor of St. Timothy Parish in Mesa and one-time vicar general for the diocese for alleged sexual abuse of minors. The Vatican’s findings in that investigation resulted in his removal from the priesthood.
Fushek gained prominence throughout the 1980s and 1990s for co-founding Life Teen, an international youth ministry program. (More like “national infamy.” No man did more to give our youth a flawed image of what “Mass” is than this fellow.)
Pope Benedict XVI ordered his dismissal from the priesthood, according to a diocesan statement. Fushek is no longer bound to the duties and obligations he incurred upon his priestly ordination in 1978, and he no longer has the rights of a cleric under church law. As a result, Fushek can no longer refer to himself as “reverend,” “monsignor” or “father.”
Phoenix Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted received the “decree of dismissal” in January from the Vatican congregation notifying him that Fushek’s laicization was the penalty for sexual abuse of minors.
The congregation is responsible for addressing “sexual sins” perpetrated by priests and deacons against minors, according to church law. (Of course, nuns never abused children. Men are the wicked, sinful, evil, corrupt members of the Church, and the NCR and liberal women who hijack the Church for personal gain and self-promotion are here to set us straight.)
Fushek, 57, currently faces charges on several misdemeanor counts of sexual misconduct said to have occurred between 1983 and 1984. The congregation’s findings relate only to Fushek’s status as a priest and have no bearing on any criminal or civil case.
The former priest faces separate trials on charges of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and on one count of indecent exposure. A trial date has been set for April 30.
“The Catholic Church is very concerned about the welfare and spiritual health of the alleged victims of sexual abuse by clergy,” said Father Chris Fraser, judicial vicar for the Phoenix Diocese.
The investigation by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith was initiated a few years ago, according to Father Fraser. The diocese cooperated with its investigation once the allegations were found to be credible.
Fushek was made aware of the investigation and his right to defend himself. He also was invited to have canonical counsel. But in a Feb. 16 statement, he said he chose not to participate or defend himself in the process and that he is at peace and free to pursue God’s will. (He’s at peace? After molesting little boys? That’s sick.)
He was excommunicated from the church in 2008 for his continued involvement with a small, Mesa-based faith assembly called the Praise and Worship Center. (This sounds awfully similar to any number of “people” in Rochester. I won’t name names – mostly because we all know them.) As a result he was forbidden from receiving the Eucharist, celebrating Mass or participating in other sacraments.
He also was barred from representing himself as a priest. (“Hello. This is Ray Grosswirth, married priest person from Rochester, New York.”) Despite his dismissal from the clerical state, the penalty of excommunication remains in place, according to diocesan officials.
“There is no doubt that the church has been scandalized by the abuse of minors by Catholic clergy,” Father Fraser said. “What makes this case unique is that there is an additional scandal related to the schismatic activities of the Praise and Worship Center. (He molested children and the Holy Mass. Tell me, what is more heinous – touching little boys or desecrating God Himself? I suppose that’s a little like asking “who’s worse: Hitler or Stalin.”
“Consequently, those who support and promote Fushek’s public ministry must be mindful of the spiritual danger and grave harm their actions create by supporting and attending his services,” he said.
Bishop Olmsted suspended Fushek’s priestly faculties in late 2004 after an allegation was made that Fushek engaged in inappropriate behavior in the presence of a minor at the Mesa parish in 1985. Fushek resigned as pastor in June 2005.
In the diocese’s Feb. 16 statement, Bishop Olmsted expressed his concern for Catholics who may be misled or confused by the continuing actions of Fushek, particularly as they relate to the Praise and Worship Center. (Thank God our schismatics haven’t strayed into pedophile territory – they’ve only destroyed x number of souls, not x+1.)
Diocesan officials reminded Catholics that any ceremonies — baptisms, weddings, confessions or the anointing of the sick — performed by Fushek or others at the Praise and Worship Center are not legitimate sacraments for Catholics and would not be recognized by the Catholic Church.
The bishop asked the diocese’s Catholics to pray for reconciliation and healing in this situation.

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4 Responses to “Life Teen Founder Removed From Priestly Ministry”

  1. Anonymous says:

    A nun or sister is not a member of the clergy. She is part of the laity. If any nun or sister is to be removed from her state of life as a consecrated religious, that is handled by a different congregation, not the CDF. So the report is accurate. It never said anything about women not abusing minors. The CDF is just not the congregation that deals with that.

  2. Gen says:

    I did not say that the CDF was responsible for reprimanding nuns or other non-ordained groups of people. The article went awkwardly out of its way to mention priests *and* deacons – I merely balanced it off by mentioning nuns.

    I'm being inclusive. Maybe I'll get some fan mail from Mrs. DeRycke or Sr. Sobala?

  3. Matt says:

    I thought about posting on this when i saw it a couple days ago…here's my question:

    Why is this receiving so much less publicity than the Legionaires/Fr Maciel…Aren't they similarly scandalous?

  4. Anonymous says:


    Is Sr. Sobala actually Sister Sobala?

    Sister, as in the form of "female" orientation AND NOT ALLOWED TO BECOME A CATHOLIC PRIEST.

    Have a nice day Sister Sobala and thank you for reading the Cleansing Fire web site.

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