Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

It May be Mardi Gras . . .

February 16th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

 . . . but that’s no reason to act like a debauched pig.

If I get word of just one Mardi Gras theme Mass, with super-soaker or not, I will declare a Crusade.

Try me. I dare you.

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2 Responses to “It May be Mardi Gras . . .”

  1. Okay.I'm trying you. Now what? Is this like trying a typical NO Mass in the DoR?

  2. Gen says:

    By "I'm trying you" do you mean that you had a Mardi Gras Mass with nuns wearings albs and mardi-gras-beads around their necks?

    Dear God, I hope not.

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