Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Error Is Not Homeless

February 12th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

In fact, it finds a willing home in many a Catholic. And these Catholics even look and act and feel Orthodox. I spoke with a priest today who spoke of his dislike for gay “marriage,” and how he “loves and cherishes every word which comes from the Church – without exception.”

One minute later, he declared, “Even if Obama were from Mars, I would have still voted for him over John McCain.” 

Let us pray for our priests, that they find the courage to stand up for all people, not just those who want the choice to murder others.

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2 Responses to “Error Is Not Homeless”

  1. Scott/Mary says:

    Yes Gen, we must pray, pray, fast and pray! I just read, "Like good sons of Noah, cover the weaknesses you may see in your father, the priest, with a cloak of charity."
    St. Josemaria Escriva

  2. Gen says:

    I'm a big fan of St. Josemaria Escriva. Very orthodox, very genuine, very firm, but very, very loving.

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