Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Can you name the person at :35 in this video?

February 16th, 2010, Promulgated by Choir

Excerpt from SACRED, BEAUTIFUL, & UNIVERSAL from Corpus Christi Watershed on Vimeo.

He is the altar server holding the paten.

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8 Responses to “Can you name the person at :35 in this video?”

  1. Gen says:

    Of course, Choir. I won't spoil the surprise, though. 😉

  2. Bernie says:

    I know.
    Should I say, or do you not want me to?

  3. Gen says:

    Let your light shine, Bernie.

  4. Sure, Bernie, go ahead and say.

  5. Bernie says:

    Jonathan Ryan. Was the organist at our daughter's wedding at St. Anne's.

  6. And Jonathan is now with the Society of Saint John Cantius in Chicago..Yippeee!!!

  7. Matt says:

    i heard about him from somebody, i forget who…

  8. ben says:

    Bernie beat me to it. I was at the chant intensive which was the week before the colloquium. Bro. Jonathan sang the gradual verse.

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