Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

When Goodly Men Retire

January 23rd, 2010, Promulgated by Gen
This month, the Secretary of State of the Vatican, Cardinal Bertone, turned 75. In accordance with Canon Law, the Cardinal submitted his letter of resignation. This is the story as reported by EWTN:

VATICAN CITY, 22 JAN 2010 (VIS) – Yesterday afternoon L’Osservatore Romano newspaper published a Letter from the Holy Father, dated 15 January, in which he reiterates his confidence in Cardinal Tariciso Bertone S.D.B. as secretary of State. On 2 December 2009 Cardinal Bertone reached the age of 75 and presented his resignation from office, in accordance with the norms of Canon Law.
In his Letter Benedict XVI expresses his thanks to the cardinal, recalling “the long course of our collaboration, which began with your work as consultor of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
“My thoughts also go to the delicate work you undertook to establish dialogue with Msgr. Lefebvre“, the Holy Father adds, before going on to recall how John Paul II called Cardinal Bertone to work in the Roman Curia, where he “competently and generously filled the position of secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Those were intense and demanding years during which important doctrinal and disciplinary documents were issued”, he writes.
The Holy Father also speaks of his admiration for the cardinal’s “sensus fidei”, his doctrinal and canonical knowledge and his “humanitas” which, writes the Pope, “helped us to experience a real family atmosphere in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, united to a firm and determined discipline in the workplace“.
And Benedict XVI concludes his Letter: “All these qualities were the motive that led me to decide, in the summer of 2006, to appoint you as my secretary of State, and they are the reasons why, also for the future, I do not wish to forgo your vital collaboration”. 

Look at the words I emphasized: confidence, Msgr.Lefebvre, competently, doctrinal and disciplinary documents, doctrinal and canonical knowledge, firm and determined discipline. 

Not one could apply to the Diocese of Rochester. At least, not in the way Pope Benedict uses the words. Pope Benedict worked for reconciliation with Lefebvre and the SSPX, and continues to do so. In Rochester, Bishop Clark reaches out to groups that don’t even claim to be Catholic – i.e. Chrust Unity Church and their pride-filled dancer who flitted around the cathedral. Sure, the DoR has confidence – but only in lay women, not ordained men. The DoR isn’t competent. There are doctrinal documents in the DoR, but administrators (administraitors) boldly and incorrectly assert that “they trump those of Rome.” There is doctrinal and canonical knowledge, but it is warped with age, and encrusted with political agendas of the left. There is discipline in Rochester, of coure. It’s the same discipline that exiles orthodox priests to failing  parishes of poverty while the liberal, nay, the outright schismatic priests are rewarded with cushy jobs in affluent parishes. I’d like to see a loyal priest in a parish like St. Louis. Can you imagine the results?



One Response to “When Goodly Men Retire”

  1. Yapollo says:

    Loyal priest + St. Louis = Good parish.

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