Dr. Edward Peters, the man behind a very informative Canon Law blog, has long been maintaining a list of the various dioceses of the United States and the status of their bishops. According to his site, the year 2010 could bring about several changes in the United States hierarchy. Eleven bishops will reach the retirement age of 75 this year alone. Five additional bishops, currently serving past the age of 75 (though that number has fallen to four today with the appointment in Corpus Christi, Texas) will likely retire and be replaced this year. Also, there are presently six vacant dioceses in the nation (including Scranton). So, in total, we may see as many as 22 new episcopal appointments in 2010 alone.
The changing of the guard under Pope Benedict XVI is well under way. Soon the Church will be greatly cleansed of the Spirit of Vatican II generation priests and bishops. Sadly, Rochester will not get its turn until 2012. But, as the counter over to the right so tells us, that change may be only 908 days away.
Tags: News and Media, Orthodoxy at Work
I just hope the appointment process is not corrupt