Right now this is basically a rumor, but I would not be shocked at all if it turns out to be true in the next couple days. “What Does the Prayer Really Say?” made a post stating that its possible that Roger Card. Mahony, the second most progressive bishop in the nation right after Rochester’s native son, may soon receive a coadjutor bishop to assist him in the Los Angeles Archdiocese. For those who may not know, a coadjutor bishop has the right of succession when a bishop dies or retires. So as soon as Card. Mahony steps down, this bishop, should one be appointed, would immediately assume the role of bishop of the L.A. diocese.
Card. Mahony retires next year. Bishop Clark retires the year after. Could Rochester be in store for a coadjutor in 2011? Let’s hope so. If there’s any hope of slowing down Bishop Clark’s all-out push to clericalize the laity and laicize the clergy (see Forward in Hope), we will need his successor to be watching over his should for every move he makes.
Tags: Orthodoxy at Work
"God hears the cries of His faithful ones."
If it happened in Cincinatti, and if it happens in Los Angeles, and if Dolan took over for Egan, there is definitely some hope and a definite chance that Rochester will get a coadjutor.
Mark my words: I don't think our bishop will retire in 904 days. Unless my informant is wrong, I think he might be in there for at least 2-3 years beyond what we think is the mandatory age. The "requirement" is not quite as tight as you think.
I have to agree with Bernie.
It is my understanding that the Bishop must "submit" his resignation on or about his 75 birthday, but it still has to be accepted by the Vatican.
If I remember correctly, Bishop Moynahan from Syracuse served almost 3 years past his 75th birthday, and I also heard (unconfirmed, though), that he tried to retire sooner due to health reasons, but his resignation was not accepted.
That said, it will be very interesting to see what happens here in the DOR in the next couple of years.
Please tell me it can't be!!
WE have been told Rome knows we are in trouble. Help must be on the way.
Oh Lord come quickly!
Bernie and Persis are right.
All that matters is that, come the 904th day, a resignation MUST be in writing and on its way to the Vatican. Sure, the paperwork **may** take a while, but nothing's for sure.
What is for sure, though, is that Pope Benedict knows PRECISELY what is going on. He knows, personally, about the incidents which have taken place at Saint Anne, Good Shepherd, etc . . . He said to a pilgrim from Rochester at a papal audiance, "Ah, yes. Rochester." he said this while casting his eyes down his nose in a clear gesture of unpleasant familiarity.
Also, note that Moynihan didn't have things like Spiritus Christi going on. Bishop Clark has allowed (caused?) vastly more than any other reigning bishop has. And that's no opinion, ladies and gentlemen. That's fact. Just look at the diocese under his predecessors. Even under Hogan, who was also quite unorthodox, there were not debacles like we have seen in the past few decades.
Regarding Bishop Clark serving 2-3 years beyond his 75th birthday-
I highly, highly doubt Bishop Clark would serve 2-3 years after July of 2012. I'll say that once again… I highly doubt it.
Only one current U.S. bishop has served for more than a year after turning 75 (Bishop Higi, who turned 75 in Aug 2008). Another has served for exactly 1 year since reaching retirement age (Arch. Brunett), and two others have yet to serve one year beyond retirement age (Skylstad and Beltran).
Pope Benedict has been fairly quick to replace bishops over the past year. Those that have served longer than 1 year past retirement have done so because they were doing a good job (i.e- D'Arcy mandating the return of tabernacles to the center of churches served a few years beyond retirement). Bishop Clark, on the other hand, has a terrible track record. Our current Pope knows very well who Bishop Clark is, and the disobedience he has shown over the years. Clark will more likely be replaced within 6 months of retirement, rather than 2-3 years. If a coadjutor is appointed (I think Clark would need to give his approval before one would be), he could be replaced within 3-4 months. His record is that bad.
This all depends on the health of Pope Benedict. Again, there is no way Clark stays 2-3 years, and it's unlikely he'll remain in power for even a single year after turning 75.
~Dr. K
FatherAintinarelli get ready we are coming for you.
So how do you Rochester people rate the leftiness of Albany's Howard Hubbard?…even younger and longer serving than Clark.
Louis – Clark and Hubbard are cut out of the same bolt of cloth (not the Gammarelli kind either). They are best of friends. Hubbard allowed Clark's St. Bernard's School of (cough cough)Theology into the Albany diocese. While I pray for each of the bishops to straighten up, I have no use for either of them. I don't respect them. To make myself perfectly clear, I highly respect the office of Bishop, not the bishops currently installed. Just look at the sad ending of the life of Father Minkler in Albany to give you an indication of Bishop Hubbard.
Please pray for Bishops Clark and Hubbard.
Zave O Lord Zhy peoplez! und blezz zhy inheritanze: und rule zhem und exzalt zhem foreverr.
In ozher vordz…Lord, givenzy uz za break!