Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Not Who One Would Want Representing Our Faith

January 4th, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Nazareth College, a formerly Catholic institution in the Diocese of Rochester, will be hosting an interfaith event this spring which will take place from April 11th to the 13th. As part of this event, the college has invited five speakers to “represent” five different major world religions. Take a look at who was selected to represent Roman Catholicism in the image below (hint, it’s one of the Church’s most notorious dissidents pictured on the far left):

What, was Jim Callan not available to represent the Church?

Anyways, here are a couple of interesting passages about Sr. Chittister from the Web site:

“Joan Chittister, OSB, is one of the church?s key visionary voices and spiritual leaders.” [God help us if this is true…]


“She is also co-chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives with Rabbi Michael Lerner and Cornel West.” [“Spiritual Progressives”? Really now.]



9 Responses to “Not Who One Would Want Representing Our Faith”

  1. Anonymous says:

    And we treat this eent like we treat all such similar events. Thety are not of the Holy Spirit and they will FAIL!

    Praise be to God

  2. Gen says:

    All I know is that more people read this blog than those who give a care about this conference.

    Oh, but who can pass up an opportunity to become spiritually-progressive? I know I can't!

  3. I liked the unnamed lady with the shaved head honorifically described as "Her Eminence." At this point, she's merely "invited"; I presume we get to learn her name when she confirms.

  4. Mike says:

    Progressive Catholic: A Catholic who wants to progress beyond the Church's boundaries set by Christ and the Magisterium. (Source here.)

  5. Mindrolling Jets?n Khandro Rinpoche is Her Eminence's name…she's a female lama…no no no, not llama…lama, the tibetan buddhist teacher of dharma, or as i like to call it, "silly, pointless, egregious superstition!"

  6. Gen says:

    Looks like someone needs to embrace diversity. C'mon, let's celebrate our differences!

  7. Anonymous says:

    I thought "her eminence" was a title reserved only for Sr. Joan Sobala?

  8. anon 12:12

    No, Pope Joan III (after Pope Joan I the 9th century cross-dresser invented in the late 13th century, and Pope Joan II: The Chittister) only answers to "Her Holiness"

  9. Gen says:

    How could we have forgotten?

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