Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

More Rochesterians Sign the “Wait” Petition

January 23rd, 2010, Promulgated by Dr. K

Even more Rochester personalities have signed the dissenting “What If We Just Said Wait?” petition, a petition whose goal is the delay if not total derailment of the revised English translation of the Missale Romanum. Below are the new signers, as well as the current totals for Rochester.

Latest ordained/religious signers of the petition:
Priest- Richard M. Murphy, Sacramental Minister in some Auburn parishes
Priest- Msgr. William H. Shannon, Catholic Studies chair at Nazareth College
Priest- “anonymous” (Any east side clergy not sign yet?)

4 new lay ministers have signed as well. They are listed in the image further down in this post.

So, the updated totals now of people who have signed the petition from the Diocese of Rochester:
Priests- 17
Deacons- 3
Religious- 13
Lay “Ministers”- 22

And here are images containing all the current Rochester signatures:

Lay “Ministers”

Previous edition here.



10 Responses to “More Rochesterians Sign the “Wait” Petition”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Msgr. Shannon is in his late 80's/early 90's and has been retired from Nazareth College for nearly thirty years. He lives at the SSJ motherhouse.

  2. Gen says:

    The people who have authority, and who use that authority to harm the Church, are dying off more quickly than they are being replaced.

    How many vocations are coming from Spiritus Christi or St. Mary's Downtown? Not one. Not a single one. Go ahead, folks, sign your names. It means nothing and accomplishes even less. Again, "you can't hold back the Spring."

  3. Persis says:

    In some ways, I agree with the "let's wait" crowd, so please do no tell me I am trying to "harm" the church. I am not trying to harm her, I am trying to understand why she thinks "literal is better". Check out my blog for more on this.

    As far as vocations go, I think it would be very interesting to see where our current priests "came from". I know that some of our younger priests (ordained after 2001) have come from some traditionally "liberal" parishes, and all seem to be pretty solid without being "rigid". While I agree that a man's parish is important to his formation, I do not think it is so important that we need to compare churches based on how many men they produce for the priesthood.
    And, not for nothing, do you really want a priest from "Spirtus Christi"?

  4. Dr. K says:

    "How many vocations are coming from Spiritus Christi or St. Mary's Downtown? Not one."

    This is begging for a snarky comment, so here it is: The reason why these churches do not produce priestly vocations is because straight men who can also live a life of celibacy do not go to these parishes.

    In Jim Callan's few decades at Corpus Christi, with their allegedly huge congregation, did he cultivate any priestly vocations which were valid? Any? Maybe he did, but none are coming to mind. If that community were truly filled with the Spirit, you'd think several young men would have stepped forward to answer the call.

    ~Dr. K

  5. Anonymous says:

    Fathers Vic Bartollota (now serving in Texas) and Lee Chase (on leave of absence) are DOR priests that came from Corpus Christi. Fr. Dave Morrier, TOR also attended there for a few years. Sr. Donna Del Santo, SSJ was a parishioner there too. And while I can't think of his name, there was a young man there who became a Benedictine monk. So, yes, Corpus Christi under Jim Callen's administration nurtured at least 5 church vocations.

  6. Dr. K says:

    That's interesting about Lee Chase. I had never heard before that he was from Corpus Christi. However, looking at what has gone on with him in recent years (and even earlier on with his petition signing), it makes a lot of sense. I can't envision him returning to the Catholic priesthood with the way he has spoken of traditional Catholics, and the Church in general since being replaced as pastor of St. Thomas More.

    The DoR will be better off with less dissenting priests if we are ever going to rebuild this diocese from the mess the past few bishops have created. Too many minds have been corrupted by dissident priests, and too many souls have been placed in jeopardy. When the priests of this diocese undermine the teachings of the Church, it's no surprise that so many lay people do as well.

    ~Dr. K

  7. Gen says:

    Persis, where there is human interpretation of the Word of God (for the entirety of the Mass, with few exceptions, is Biblical,) there is a guarantee for error. If one sticks to the actual meaning of the words, there is no risk of harming the Church. And that is what will come if people keep being "snarky" about the new translation. It doesn't matter what the intention is – the dissent causes disunity. There be nothing overtly seditious, but remember: the USCCB met and discussed this and they reached a conclusion. It's not open for debate. I appreciate wholly why some people are saying slow down, but they, generally, are the ones that will rush into something new and untried. Proof? Liturgical dancing. Armies of Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist. Healing Masses. The bishops never got together and voted on these things because they didn't need to. It was obvious, in the eyes of the people who run the Church, that such things were inappropriate. The bishops met to discuss the new translation. They reached a conclusion, a nearly unanimous one. Why is it that following them is so difficult? They are the Earthly shepherds of God's Church. They are there to be obeyed.

    This being said, there is a duty to oppose unorthodoxy, schism, dissent, contempt for papal authority. The bishops who said "yes" to the translation also, to the man, say "yes" to the Pope. Those who said no, from what has been reported, are the ones who are slightly less loyal. Follow the noble bishops. They're the ones shepherding us onward to Christ.

    And, no, I would not want a priest from Spiritus Christi. As it is, that's an impossibility. They have cut themselves from Rome.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I don't get it. They want the bad translation but yet, week after week, these same priests are constantly as-libbing and making it up, as they go along. If the bad translation is so good, how come are they always deviating from it.

    Hypocracy in Honeoye!

  9. Anonymous says:

    I meant ad-libbing but we could say many things about that slip!

    Funny in Freedonia

  10. Gen says:

    I know what you mean.

    On both counts.

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