Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Hear My Prayer, Lord

January 28th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

As the time for the announcement of closures comes nigh upon us, I think we should take time to focus on two things:

Rochester is NOT the Church. Rochester is just one backwards and betrayed diocese in the entire world. There is hope – it may not be here, but it exists elsewhere in the Church. The only things keeping us from a true and genuine realization of hope for the Church is the carelessness with which some of Her children tend to Her. There is hope, and it doesn’t lay in clustering, closing, or consolidating.

We are right. There is no discussion regarding this. We have followed what Rome has said. We have borne every injury which has been directed towards us. And we have done so honorably. Not one of us has fled to the cloak of Satan for fear of what his cancerous influence has confronted us with here in Rochester. We have stayed true to God and the Church, to the King of All, Jesus Christ, and His Spotless Bride, the Holy Mother Church. Woe to them that fetter Her with the sins of liberalism. “Surely it would be better for them had they not been born.”

Felix Mendelssohn wrote a piece adapted from the 55th Psalm which he called “Hear My Prayer, Lord.” I think the words are particuarly meaningful for us who are beset by error and greed, two vices which masquerade as virtues to unknowing eyes.

?Hear my prayer, O God, incline Thine ear!
Thyself from my petition do not hide.
Take heed to me! Hear how in prayer I mourn to Thee,
Without Thee all is dark, I have no guide.
The enemy shouteth, The godless come fast!
Iniquity, hatred, upon me they cast!
The wicked oppress me, Ah where shall I fly?
Perplexed and bewildered, O God, hear my cry!
My heart is sorely pained, within my breast,
my soul with deathly terror is oppressed,
trembling and fearfulness up on me fall,
with horror overwhelmed, Lord, hear me call,
O for the wings, for the wings of a dove!
Far away, far away would I rove!
In the wilderness build me a nest,
and remain there forever at rest.”



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