This video, without sound, shows Father Nelson Baker offering the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The video was filmed at Our Lady of Victory Basilica in Lackawanna, south of Buffalo. Father Baker (actually he was a Monsignor) founded and built the Basilica in thanksgiving to Our Lady of Victory for blessings received to build and maintain his orphanage and other works of charity. There is a link at the bottom so you can read more about Father Baker’s life story. He is currently “on the road to sainthood”. If you haven’t visited the Basilica, I highly suggest that you do
Click on the link to read about Father Baker’s life.
Another link to the Basilica.
Tags: Orthodoxy at Work
I love his vestments, what with the OLV image on the back. Very nice.
What a wonderful story of love and faithfulness to Mary. He belongs in the Mother Angellica and Mother Therese crowd.