Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Craft Time!

January 4th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

Many Christmas Masses worldwide have been dedicated to children, commonly the Mass on Christmas Eve around 5 PM or so. I don’t have a problem with this, so long as the Mass is offered reverently, the children treated with respect, any pageant done with respect for the “reason for the season,” and a general sense of “Gaudete!” or “rejoice!”

Well, at one local parish (three guesses which one) there wasn’t so much a Mass for Children as a craft-faire in which the priest had a facilitating role. The following is as related to me by a co-worker:

The Mass has always been “Jesus-centered,” but this year, it was definitely “kid-centered.” For as long as I can remember, the kids got little ornaments, the priest spoke to them during the homily (note: this is what a “Dialogue Homily” should be), and the Mass went on as usual. This year, though. Wow – they really butchered the Mass. First off, the kids were treated like morons. Little ones don’t like being treated in a condescending manner – they can tell when you’re being fake. And when that happens at church, that puts them off from coming back as adults. The hymns were all really corny. I forget what hymns were actually used, but they made “Little Drummer Boy” seem like the most beautiful thing you’ve ever heard. Then, instead of the normal reading of the Christmas story and special homily by the priest, the kids were given two cut-out hearts and told “You can keep one as a special Christmas gift, but now, find someone in the church and give it to them. After all, it’s Jesus’ birthday, kids!” Well, with that there were kids running all around the church, through the aisles, onto the altar steps, etc.” The priest didn’t do anything “priestly.” He just paraphrased the Gospel, walked around talking about liberal —- and then handed it over to (insert name) to finish things off. The Mass itself seemed to be an after-thought. No respect was shown. Not from the kids, not from the parents, not from the nun(s) and not from the sacramental minister. Not one solitary shred of dignity or reverence. Not one.

I’m still waiting for my cut-out heart. I guess Fr. Antinarelli forgot to distribute them at the Mass at OLV?

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2 Responses to “Craft Time!”

  1. Anonymous says:

    I want to be there when you tell Father A he forgot to hand out his little hearts. (Well maybe I will stand in the back by the door)

  2. Gen says:

    This could be one of those times I'm blessed to live half my life in Albany. lol

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