Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Christmas Children’s Mass Update

January 8th, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

You may recall that I reported on the less-than-sane Christmas Eve children’s Mass. Click here if you don’t.

Well, I was emailed some more information regarding the festivities.

So what’s new, you ask? The pageant was not a production on the part of the children. The adults and the administration played the prominent roles. The female lay administraitor (not a typo) played the role of the Blessed Virgin, and dressed the part, too. The sacramental minister dressed up as St. Joseph. After the pageant, the administraitor gave the “homily,” still vested in alb and Marian costume.

And in the words of this informant, “omg, like, the children’s choir was pathetic. There were only, like, 6 kids, and they weren’t even that good. It was all the choir director! I mean, really – that’s pathetic.”

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One Response to “Christmas Children’s Mass Update”

  1. Anonymous says:

    GEN,You said we have to keep it clean!

    That little story you just told made me want to barf!

    There is something very evil going on over there. i am glad i left when i did.

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