Cleansing Fire

Defending Truth and Tradition in the Roman Catholic Church

Can’t Hold Back the Spring

January 21st, 2010, Promulgated by Gen

It’s true.

You can’t.

(Top image is from England, “Mary’s Dowry,” and the bottom is from France.)
For anyone who’s not entirely sure what this is supposed to mean, just click here to figure it out. Note the second item you can buy. Also, nod of the miter to the people of Spiritus Christi for rebelling, not only against the tyrany of the male-dominated Church, but for rebelling also against proof-reading:

Pioneer Priest (2007)- A Catholic (sorry, no) woman, Mary
Ramerman, becomes the Rosa Park?s (should be “Rosa Parks,” no apostrophe) of the Catholic Wmoen?s (I thought women’s was spelled “womyn’s.”)
movement. Read How (no capitalization) her ordination pushed the Catholic Church to
ordain women priests. (It hasn’t. It’s led to the alienation of souls from the Church. And not that many, either. Let’s let them trim back the shrub of the faithful, so that once it blooms again, it will do so more fully and more radiantly.)



4 Responses to “Can’t Hold Back the Spring”

  1. Dr. K says:

    You can't hold back the spring, but you also can't hold back the fall. Remember that, Mr. Callan.

    ~Dr. K

  2. I clicked the link and was going to comment on their inability proofread, but you beat me to the punch!

  3. Anonymous says:

    Let's hope he makes heaven butif, unfortunately, Fr. Callan makes hell, he will always have the mark of a priest on his soul.

    Pray for his conversion through the intersession of Our Lady.

  4. Gen says:

    Indeed. "Tu es sacerdos in aeternam . . . " – "Thou art a priest for eternity." Once a priest, always a priest. You may not have clerical authority, but you do have that mark.

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